Parents send their Chicken Pox-infected child to school

Incredible how this sounds so real in a Taiwanese parent mind!:eek:

Itā€™s easy to assume parents are being the worst they can be and sending sick kids to school because they donā€™t want them to miss classes, etc.

Passing judgement from the armchair is all too easy.

Many parents simply donā€™t have a choice to stay home because of pressure from work. Or, at least they may feel like they donā€™t have a choice.

Many Taiwanese companies, bosses, etc. Are not very generous of understanding with time off.

I agree that sick children should stay home with a parent to care for them. But itā€™s not always possible.

I would say most of the time it is not possible for the parent to stay at home with the kid.

We are gummit and even though on paper we have more rights, including the right to take off when sick, the general culture is that it is seen as weakness and that taking sick leave is dangerous for your job. We have had people coming to work during cancer treatment, one a week after brain surgery also for cancer. Many are sick in a way that in the ol country would be allowed to retire but here they keep working. It is bad enough to see elderly folk doing the choo choo train walk down the halls, supposedly because no one else can do their jobs. But it is mostly because they canā€™t afford to lose their jobs and must work until they die.

On the other hand you have parents making the ultimate sacrifice for their kids. My insurance agent had a steady job but her daughter was born with difficulties so she has to devote extra time to herā€¦and hereby lost her job. I was watching the news and they were showing these parents doing an incredible battle against their sonā€™s cancer. Both lost their jobs and barely had a bientang to eat a day. All savings and donations were spent in treatments in US, China and Taiwan. Now they opened a small restaurant and give bientangs to those who cannot afford them as they know how hunger feels.

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One of my fellow countrywomenā€™s kid, who is a lovely well educated creative and smart kid, just got hit by chickenpox.

Aside from a lovely way to start summer vacation early, I am really concerned about her health. And those around her. How can I help? I already bought her some ointment, anything else? Vitamins? L-glutamine?

How old is the kid? Most healthy young kids are ok with chickenpox.

Keep skin clean. Keep the room as cool as possible to reduce sweating and itching. Take enough water and nutrition. Aspirin should NOT be used if the kid has a fever.

If people around the kid show some cold like symptoms, go to hospital immediately and tell a doctor they contact a chickenpox. Within 48hours of onset, there is a good medicine to lighten symptoms.

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First year high school. Not that little. In the middle of growing. Dunno how healthy she has been eating. She has a long commute to school, sleeps very little as is very dilligent in her practices.

We were supposed to meet Sunday to see the World Cup. That would have meant the kid in a room with 300 peopleā€¦ Luckily, she started with a rash, so they stayed home. Monday go the surprise by doctorā€¦ and skin bubbles. :sob:

At least she is old enough not to scratch the rash. It looks terrible, but will become clean if the blisters and scabs are not broken.

That is was the attitude in the US in the '70s and earlier. Theyā€™d have chicken pox parties to expose all the other kids to the infected kid.

I got chicken pox, when I was late teensā€¦ During college junior year.
I could guess someone in the library (or someoneā€™s kid?) gave it to me.
At least one week was lost and luckily it was lazy week, not in the middle of exams or anything, and I finish most of my lab works. It couldā€™ve been something really bad to get it during mid-terms or finals.
One of my colleague got it in his grad-school years here in Taiwan. Imagine the hassles. Single, Faraway from family. Lab works, report, you name it. Even getting lunch/dinner is a hassle.

Looking back, it would be better for me to get it when I was younger, say like elementary school, when not many things at stake.

One way or another you gonna get it once in your life, I believe. after that you are immune. No more worry from that disease.