Poagao's Book

I could publish it myself, like Steve Crook or John Ross did, but I’m still holding out for a publisher to do it for me for some reason.

Stephen King can put his online because he’s Stephen King and already has enough publicity. I’d rather avoid that choice for now.

And Stephen King stopped after the fifth or sixth installment when he made the amazing discovery that people (like me :blush: ) were unwilling to pay a dollar for something they could get for free.

Hmmm, sorry. I was trying to post the link to the article but the site’s down now. I see your point though Poagao. (And Sandman.)

Best choice is to get someone to publish it - less downside risk for you that way.

Now we all know why Poagao really joined up! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/ … /15/202102


Don’t know quite what to say to that, except…uh, no.

Actually, it would have been better if the soldier was also scantily clad. He was so overdressed, I doubt he could even feel her so close to him! But it must have been exciting, huh, omni? Wish i was a soldier then!

[quote=“blueface666”]Now we all know why Poagao really joined up! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

taipeitimes.com/News/Taiwan/ … /15/202102


Check out the expression on the guy in the photo who appears between the gal and her soldier mount. That guy (in the middle) looks like he’s seeing something for the first time and isn’t quite certain what to make of it.


Whoa…where do I enlist???

I found 3 copies of your book in Kingstone bookstore, and picked up mine today. So, please dig out your memberlist that you printed out, and cross off my name. :slight_smile: Much obliged!

You mean there’s a memberlist for all us? Where?


You just earned fat black mark!

There’s an article about the book in today’s Taipei Times:


I finally picked up a copy of the book at FNAC today and am looking forward to reading it … congrats!!! :smiley:

any reviews yet in the CHinese language newspapers? should be nice when that happens… let us know.

There was a review in a Chinese literary magazine on the 18th, but I don’t know whether that made any kind of splash or not. I did a recorded telephone interview with a radio station in Tainan, FM102.5, which should be broadcast from midnight to 12:30 next Wednesday or thereabouts. Locus hasn’t been at all aggressive in promoting the book it seems.

I wonder … if army guys now are reading your book, or if they even know about it yet, and if that might be a good market for you now and even later, maybe forever! I mean, if every year there are new recruits and your book gets good word of mouth on the Internet and among new recruits, your book could have a readership in every new shipment of recruits, and stay on bookshelves for another 50 years or so… and sell over 100,000 copies eventually. Possible?

It seems to have dissapeared from the shelves of FNAC. Sold out?

Poagao, why not take a tour of military bases, armed with boxes of books you can buy at distribution price from Locus?

alleycat, you da boss! great idea!