Pope Francis

As if Catholicism wasn’t ironic enough to begin with

If someone does the duty of the lord, even if he doesn’t know of the lord’s existence or unable to grasp the concept of the lord’s existence, should be redeemed <-- now that’s a religion I can live with.

Are contraceptives OK yet?

More to the point, would working for an NGO that taught poor women how to use contraceptive and take charge of their sexuality be a good deed or a bad deed? It’s an unconditional good to me, but the pope may disagree.

IMHO, this pope is super tits.

He’s humble, ACTUALLY pious (from what I can tell), open minded and practices what he preaches.

Of course I am going to disagree with him on issues such as contraception, abortion, etc, but those issue, for him, are not based on his personal opinions or rational mind, his hands, essentially, are “tied” by religious doctrine.

The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the Blood of Christ: all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone! ‘[/quote]

Theologically speaking, this is quite a reinterpretation of Christian monotheism, one which I like.

You cannot give woman reproductive rights. You need to keep them barefoot and pregnant. Otherwise, they will read the bible and come to the conclusion that most of the men preaching to the women are full of BS and self-serving.

Jesus told us to forget about cooking and cleaning but listen and learn from him.

In the early church, Paul came along and told the women to keep their mouth shut. Mordern day, there are men love to hang on to this.
Women are told not listen to Jesus but the first Pope, Paul.

The Good Samaritan story told by Jesus illustrated the one doesn’t have to be a Christian.

In the early church, Paul came along and told the women to keep their mouth shut. [/quote]

that fraking Roman…

Pope Francis, while still not straying too far from first base, showing more liberal inclinations here. If he were a younger man, he might really shake things up in a long term.

online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142 … 99956.html

[quote=“Tempo Gain”]Pope Francis, while still not straying too far from first base, showing more liberal inclinations here. If he were a younger man, he might really shake things up in a long term.

online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142 … 99956.html[/quote]
Now if only the old boys in the church can do the same. I am Christian, not Catholic though, but this is the kind of reasoning I can relate to.

As popes in my pope-aware lifetime go, this one seems less bad.

Pope told his flocks to get out of judging business and get into the spreading the good new business.
Very refreshing.

No more designer alligator red shoes for the Pope

" All who do good are redeemed".

That’s nice. But it wasn’t the case when I went I secondary school. The closest school to us was a Roman Catholic school and it was the second or third year that they were accepting non Catholics. The teachers mostly hated me, because I wasn’t a Catholic, neither was my mam, and my dad’s from the middle east. Several of the older teachers told me I’d burn in hell because I wasn’t a Catholic. They actually described what hell was supposed to be like, and this gave me nightmares - no sh*t (mostly about being chased around by demonic priests). They even suggested that I become I Catholic, and then I’d get into heaven. In my last year (when I was 16), one of the foulest of the teachers (Mrs. Folland, who was awarded an OBE) told me I wouldn’t get into heaven with her and the majority of my classmates, I just said I didn’t want to go to the same place as her anyway (that landed me in trouble).

“We must not reduce the bosom of the universal church to a nest protecting our mediocrity.”

I have to say, they may have picked the right Pope.
No wonder God told the last Pope to step down.

Wonder what he has to say about priests raping alter boys??? If the altar boy liked it, does it qualify as good???

Is the Pope Catholic?

But seriously. Why is it surprising to anyone that the protestant fixation with salvation through Jesus Christ is fairly mutable in Catholicism? It doesn’t symbolise liberalisation, whatsoever. No dialogue opening there: just a speech with the kind of stuff atheists and proddies gobble up.

This must be the new Hitler. In every single religious thread someone has to mention this. Not that it should be forgotten, just like Nazi Germany shouldn’t but really.

This must be the new Hitler. In every single religious thread someone has to mention this. Not that it should be forgotten, just like Nazi Germany shouldn’t but really.[/quote]

It’s because they’re fucking little boys. You don’t hear (many) people demanding that British TV be abolished.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuart_Hal … conviction
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Savi … xual_abuse

Or pretty much any school, police force, youth organisation, blahblahblah. Eeeeevil! Close it all dowwwwn!

Little girls are fair game, unless we can put a racist angle on it like the Daily Maily cover of the Oxford and Rochdale cases (If you Google it, DON’T click the Daily Mail links. It fuels the fire.)

Looking around a bit. Found this relevant pro-Francis piece

dailykos.com/story/2013/09/2 … n-overview

Will look around some more.

I am wondering these days about the life expectancy about the current pope as she seems very non-catholic to me.
Kinda makes me wonder about dark figures with poison flasks lingering in the dark corners of the Vatican. :astonished:

EDIT: Note to the Vatican Secret Service: I know nothing, I know nothing …

There’s this, lol

strangenotions.com/pope-fran … ng-crimes/

Apparantly the pope has a “zero-tolerance” policy

reuters.com/article/2013/09/ … 1I20130920