Private Bilingual School in Taoyuan - Estimated Tuition Fees?

I think the bilingual schools are for parents who can’t afford to send them to the true intl schools or they don’t have foreign passports to get them into those schools.

But they can’t all be that bad. My kids go to the local elementary school . I’m sure some bilingual schools must have better facilities like kang qiao? Theres another bigone in Taichung city, I forget the name now. At least they should get more English exposure, they have full time native English teachers.

How about the Morrison academies, where do they fit in ? They look pretty nice.

Yes, all of the bilingual schools are that bad, probably worse. Kang Chiao might be okay, they are one of the few that have actually improved, ten years ago they were as horrible as the rest. Don’t let the facilities fool you. That’s how they get students in the first place, then you discover how poorly run they are.

The full time native English teachers are just window dressing. These places operate no less differently than buxibans, except it’s a bigger scale/game. Same $h!# , different pile.

And yes, you’re right, the bilingual schools are for wannabe richers who can’t afford a proper international school or didn’t bother to buy their kid a passport from Zimbabwe or make sure they were born in the USA.

Your kids going to the local elementary school is a better choice. You should try to get them some time at a buxiban that focuses on learning proper English outside though. Try Modawei or ACES for that, or spend time teaching or reading with your kid in English and how to use Western logic too whenever possible. Personally I think the public elementary schools here are fine, but once they get into middle school and high school, there becomes an immense amount of pressure on kids and you might not want them to experience that. Personally, if I had kids, I wouldn’t want them to go through that.

I think the Morrison schools are fine, save the religious aspect. You have to take into consideration if you’re okay with that or not. Some people might find it a good option, even if they’re not religious, but might find themselves having to “de-program” their kids as a result of the religious indoctrination. It’s taken quite seriously, not like the lip service that is paid to it at Taiwanese run Christian schools.

As for resources for homeschooling, Google is your friend, there are a lot of distance learning programs out there and some options for homeschooling in Taiwan. Here are some links to get you started.