Public photography

I’m curious as to the Taiwan laws regarding photographing people in public places, like on the street, in parks, etc. I was out trying the camera on my phone and had a guy get REAL pissed and reached for my phone. He stopped when I cursed him out in Chinese and moved like I was going to pound him.

I imagine the normal rules apply … if you want to take a photo OF someone they have the right to, erm, politely decline. If you’re just taking a photo of the scene in general, anyone who doesn’t like it can GTF out of the way. These rules seem to apply worldwide except in African countries, where taking a photo of, say, a mobile-phone mast will probably land you in a cockroach-infested cell until the appropriate ‘fine’ has been paid.

It’s legal to take photos in public and anyone in public view, but it’s definitely NOT legal to rob someone of their phone, so I’d say the law is on your side.

What they said. If someone waves you away, then it’s polite so acknowledge that by not taking the photo and give them a gesture of apology but by no means necessary. If they’re in public then they are fair game.

Glad I came in here … I take many pictures & videos of traffic, primarily violations (no, not illegal parking … ain’t enough parking where I’ve seen, so not interested in that aspect) … endangering parking, kids carried on scooters by “carers” with no helmets … things like that I focus on (can’t do smoking bikes or cars because my cellphone is set at ASA or ISO 400 & I can’t change that … which means what smoke I see, it don’t.

But hey … had some hassles with people complaining … cops came … I’m right by law (I think they said in Chinese) because it’s in public (what I do) & I don’t focus on faces, bodies & such … only violations I feel are worth talking about & trying to do something about.

Thanks for the info here people.

So is there a way to report the pictures to the police for parking violations? A few people from the building where I live constantly block the scooter entrance and the landlord doesn’t do a thing about it…