Purchasing Property and APRC

I have heard that if you are able to purchase a property In taiwan and the amount of the investment is above 5M than you can qualify for an APRC since you fall under the category of exceptions according to the APRC elegibility criteria. Can someone with a similar experience confirm it?

To be clear, it is after you have legally and continuously resided in the State for five years and has stayed for more than one hundred and eighty-three days each year.

IIRC, there are some ARCs that cannot convert to APRC.

How does a foreigner apply for an APRC ?(Serial No. 0903)

  1. Special skills, talents or financial assets:

(2) Anyone applying for permanent residency under circumstances other than the ones states in the preceding subparagraph shall meet one of the following conditions.

a. Having earned an average monthly income in Taiwan for the past one year that is twice as much as the Monthly Minimum Wage promulgated by the Council of Labor Affairs.

b. Having movable or immovable property in Taiwan with a total estimated value of over NT$5,000,000.

c. Having a certificate issued by the ROC government certifying that its holder is a professional or technician or has passed a technical examination.

d. Other conditions as approved by the NIA.

If you are talking on APRC by investment, the criteria are below, and purchasing property is not included.

Regulations Governing Visiting, Residency, and Permanent Residency of Aliens

Article 12
The National Immigration Agency may grant permanent residency to aliens applying for investment immigration to Taiwan who have met one of the following conditions:

  1. Having invested worth over NTD(New Taiwan Dollar)15,000,000 in a for-profit enterprise, and having created five or more job opportunities for ROC nationals for over 3 years;
  2. Having invested worth over NTD (New Taiwan Dollar) 30,000,000 in Central Government Bonds, for over 3 years.

Of course 5 years and the 183 days rule is the bottom line. This means in my understanding that if a person stays for 5 years and for more than 183 days per year with a tourist visa AND has an house valued more than 5M ntd is elegibile for APRC?

No. You need to have a proper ARC.

III. Required documents:
4. An ARC (original and one copy of each, the original will be verified and a copy to be submitted with the application

What you need is to “reside” for 5 years, not to “stay”. If you stay here more than 183 days a year, you are treated as a resident as for tax. But, as for immigration, foreigners without residency certificate are not residents but visitors.

If you are looking for a place in Asia where you can get residency based on investing in real estate, you can consider Jeju island/Korea.