Radars covered with plastic bags

This is something that I wanted to ask weeks ago but I kept forgetting about… I noticed that there are many radars covered with black plastic bags in many roads… does anybody know the reason?

Radars as in speed cameras?

People probably don’t want to get a ticket so they bagged it :slight_smile:

yes, speed cameras. But the thing is that I´ve seen the same cameras covered for weeks, many weeks… so I don’t think that it was done by drivers…

Probably just off line for whatever reason and covered for protection against the elements, then. Why? Maybe some kind of upgrade program in the works? Or maybe they’ve had typhoon-related problems in the past?

There are a lot of newly installed camera’s, they’re usually bagged up until they go online.

Get ready to update them to the speed camera app :slight_smile:

I’ve never seen a cop do radar to catch speed demons, just leave it to the flash bandits… kaching $$$

Cops often use radar…and more recently laser to ticket speeders in my area. And there are no signs warning of them like there is with stationary cameras.

In Taiwan? On city streets? What area?
I’ve never seen cops with a radar gun anywhere in Taiwan in 5 years.

They use them on the motorways sometimes.

I saw some bagged cameras yesterday, something is up alright.

Have seen them on the freeway with handhelds as well, never seen it in the city.

Same with me, maybe only highway police routinely use them. I’ve almost seen them used on weekdays more when traffic is lighter and you get more speedsters.
It has to be said almost all police here are useless bastards (sorry mods for profanity but it seems an apt description).

They frequent many of the roads that big bikes like to speed on. I’ve seen them all along the east coast south of Hualien. And on the coast of the west coast. And along the 3. And other lesser known roads as well. They do occasionally set up a speed trap using radar in the old days…and now they have laser which can give you a ticket before you even see them.

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If your on a big bike and racing, do they usually chase? In my city the cops don’t even bother trying to stop them, no point.

They’ve already got your plate on their radar. And they usually have video cameras running as well. If you run it’s just another ticket. So unless you have your plate covered up…then running is just another ticket.