Rapha Clubhouse (Taipei)

Is that so? I was under the impression that Ailin was in charge or is she just the ambassador, not the Rapha Taiwan country manager.

They have to have some level of English capabilities, otherwise how do they communicate with corporate offices?

Do people really hate?

I donā€™t buy their ā€˜modelā€™, nor their products, but Iā€™d be seriously concerned if that was interpreted as hate.

English, that language in which ā€œread, read, readā€ read differently, but you canā€™t say bustling and fucking.

Sheā€™s not in chargeā€¦just an ambassador.

Not saying the 5-7 of us regulars posting in the cycling forum are hatinā€™, but thereā€™s some haters out there.

Duely noted.

Just what I piece together using social media. Clearly not a great source.

You can say ā€œfuckingā€ all you want. Thatā€™s kind of the whole pointā€¦in American English at least.

To be fair, thatā€™s not a bad standard of English for a non-native speaker, better than most of the stuff I edit on a day to day basis. But thereā€™s a world of difference between that style of English and what a professional copywriter would produce.

ā€œThe fucking fuckerā€™s fuckedā€ is one of the great sentences of modern English.

Or what should show up in a Rapha video :slight_smile:

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Made my day. :wink:

Indeed. British company. High quality (apparently :wink: ) Youā€™d think the bosses would have done a bit of quality control.

I, for one, would be asking for my membership fee back on the back of such shoddy work. :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe they have better translations over on the Japan Rapha Ride video?

Unfortunately, I donā€™t speak Japanese, so Iā€™m not sure how the translations came about. Maybe @urodacus can critique it?


Itā€™s not really the translation that is the problem. Hustling and bustling was probably translated as such, but itā€™s just not an English expression. Think of the (admittedly old-fashioned) French term sacrebleu. Literally translated as sacred blue (I think). In English, weā€™d replace it with something like good grief, or (if it were me) fuck me!

Good grief? I thought youā€™d use an example like, ā€œbloody hellā€. :laughing:

Thatā€™s a very nice translation, I guess by a professional translator. Plus its been proofread. Thereā€™s two typos in the Taipei one. :sunglasses:

Iā€™m squeamish


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LOL. Yes, pretty good translation. Yes, they do say ku-ki- in Japanese (in katakana) for cookie.


11/11 at the clubhouse. 25% off all stock.

Waited 20 minutesā€¦just to look around.

25% off and still 250% the price Iā€™d pay.