Sanchong - does anyone live there?

They come out at nite!

Wanhua is worse than Sanchong? Sacrilege!

its the roughest! although i quite like the nan ji chang night market. the night market in sanchong is pretty crap…

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It just looks like any other cheaper area of Taipei/New Taipei to me. I couldn’t distinguish the place from many other areas while driving through. It’s just another bit of a shithole with ugly buildings.


I think that’s the old name. I have a friend who lives in Luzhou, and I mentioned to him Erchong floodway. He had no idea what I was talking about, and finally he was like “Oh, the metropolitan park!” Later from the airport MRT, I saw the name written in big letters on the bank of the floodway.

Do these still exist? They used to be everywhere, but I haven’t seen anything that looked like it for a while. Not just in Sanzhong, but they used to be on every street. I’m not looking for one, I just don’t get out much anymore.

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I know nothing about barberbrothels, but they do still have one of those old movie theaters there, hiding in the middle of a market. It seems likely that kind of business is also lurking somewhere in the area.

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People might well reside in Sanchong, but can it really be called ‘living’?

Yes :grinning:

The girls are getting older, and older, and older …

Different sections have different names?


You’re saying they are well trained?

Looks that way, but I think there are too many parks with unnecessary names in Taiwan. Why do you need eight names in a 5-kilometer strip of green space? People aren’t going to distinguish them. I think Erchong is the entire swath of the floodway, but not the name of any park, and New Taipei Metropolitan Park is, strictly speaking, the name of the southern section of the floodway, but people use it to refer to the entire strip.

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My guess would be that as each section was developed (it was probably a soggy wasteland prone to flooding before) that they gave each a name then. If you look at the rest of the rivers, most of the parks are no longer than from one bridge crossing to the next.

Just bike around the area and see how it feels to you. I was there briefly and it seemed just fine to me but we all have our own ideas. Every neighborhood has its own charm even with the apparent downsides.

Just a real unit of a bump here, but I have a question to those living in or find themselves often around Sanchong:

Do these river parks have any tennis courts? Assuming I do not get corona’ed, I will soon be living in this general area and tennis (pickleball too) is a hobby of mine.

I went to primary and middle school there and my grandparents live/lived there and many of my friends/family still do. There’s nothing special about it. Yeah it’s slightly dumpier than Taipei City but that’s about it. Pretty typical for New Taipei City.

It’s got reputation for being a dangerous area. Even if the repuation were true it’d be marginally more dangerous than other places at most. The gangsters were/are basically middle school or high school kids skipping school. An average neighbourhood in any Western city would be way more dangerous.


Slightly? Really? :thinking: