Skype pc to phone

I want to set up skype on my computer. I am just wondering what is the best way to set up the audio and microphone? Should I use a USB phone or just headphones with a microphone attached. Also are there any problems using the external speakers and a separate microphone. I guess all are possible, I just want to know which one is the best.

I have a phone and it seems to be OK.

I do this.

I have a 1 into 2 splitter adaptor on the speaker out which I plug in the external speakers and the headset green.
In the microphone in socket, I plug the headset red.

That way I have the speakers up normally but when I take a call, I put on the headset and turn down the external speaker.

The usb phones work independent of the soundcard I believe.

I currently use a USB phone…the recent updates of Skype have been automatically setting the audio settings for the phone and for my desktop speakers…so I run both with no problems… The service is cheap…but often on Skype Out there is a delay…I called computer to computer a few times and it was much better…anyone else wish to share thier experiences?..
Also, I guess, you should upgrade the speed of your internet connection, if you can, to improve performance…

I bought a USB phone for NT$500. It needed to have a driver installed which came on the CD. I downloaded Skype and paid for EU$10 credit on my Visa card and I was able to make calls. I was amazed at how simple the process was.

How’s the sound quality?

To a land-line it’s pretty marvelous, no walkie-talkie feeling at all. And I’m calling across the globe to Sweden.

To a land-line it’s pretty marvelous, no walkie-talkie feeling at all. And I’m calling across the globe to Sweden.[/quote]I get good quality at my end with Skype Out, but I think the people on the other end experience a bit of an echo.

The sound quality is normally excellent. Even using the built in speakers and microphone of a laptop is okay.

Sometimes (if there is too much traffic) you have a delay and/or echo…

However, if you do not want to sit in front of your computer for making a call, try
You can use your ordinary phone!

I bought a Linksys cordless phone that plugs into the USB port. It was approx US$99. Setup was a bit buggy and it rerouted audio to the Skype phone rather than the speakers. I used it calling home while I was in India and the sound was superb.

I haven’t used it in about a month so it’s possible they’ve improved the drivers.