Special status of foreigners, physical and mental retardation

I’m looking for candidates in 104 and I run into this:

特殊身分 外籍人士、身心障礙

Which Google translates as:

Special status of foreigners, physical and mental retardation

I think it’s not the first time that I see “foreigners” in the same category than mentally or physically disabled people. For example in the train stations there are usually a window for inquiries for foreigners and disabled people.

Is this a Taiwan thing, or what?

It looks like a potential candidate is trying to advise people that they’re foreign born and disabled, but hard to tell without more context.

Both are “Special statuses” worthy of mention for various reasons I guess.

All of those categories are minorities. A Taiwan thing? Possibly. Putting foreigners into categories next to physical and mental disabilities purposely, probably not.

At the train station, think about it this way, any person behind the desk can learn procedures and regulations for disabled people, but not everyone has foreign language capabilities. Combining the groups to one kiosk means they don’t have to hire someone solely for foreign language inquiries because it’s clear that that’s a rather small population of people in Taiwan.

No, he just has a disability (technically speaking, his legs are messed up).

well, the way I see it it’s a “special needs” people window. We could say I’m a Chinese language disabled…

Without seeing the rest of the item you’re quoting from, I think it’s more like a boilerplate text saying that the employer doesn’t discriminate based on special needs, foreign status, physical or mental disabilities.

Which is utter hogwash, of course. Almost all employers in Taiwan discriminate on these and other grounds too.

It was a person’s profile, a candidate. He’s disabled, and he’s saying that he’s got that status (that has that funny name).

Oh, I see. I should read more carefully before I post.