Step by step guide for marriage in Hong Kong

Excellent. I hope you will not be posting “A step by step guide to Divorce in Hong Kong” !.

[quote=“white ghost”]Ok thanks a lot :slight_smile: We didn’t want to turn up and look a pair of fools, the only ones dressed up. I guess most people go straight from there to their reception anyway, so it’s normal to wear the dress etc.

Do you know anywhere nice nearby to take photos afterwards? A park or anything like that?[/quote]

Cotton Tree Drive is pretty much IN a park. Not a bad place for picture-taking.

[quote=“spaint”][quote=“white ghost”]Ok thanks a lot :slight_smile: We didn’t want to turn up and look a pair of fools, the only ones dressed up. I guess most people go straight from there to their reception anyway, so it’s normal to wear the dress etc.

Do you know anywhere nice nearby to take photos afterwards? A park or anything like that?[/quote]

Cotton Tree Drive is pretty much IN a park. Not a bad place for picture-taking.[/quote]

Yeah, Cotton Tree Drive is perfect for picture taking. There are a few ponds and a waterfall area, which makes a nice backdrop. There are some pre arranged “sets” as well on one side of the park, just little cutesy things to stand by.

What we did was arrive at cotton tree about 40 minutes before our scheduled wedding time to take pics first. We had an early appointment and wanted to take pics without a lot of people in the way. I could imagine the good photo spots getting crowded later in the day.

Ok thanks guys. I’m going to buy lots of film for my instax camera, so hopefully I can get lots of unique photos :slight_smile:

Hi, i am looking into doing this process, and your step by step instructions are a wonderful help. But i have one question

in regaards to step 3 and 4 is this necessary to mail by post, or is there an online way to do it

If there isnt an online solution should we take both the ‘Notice of intended marriage’ as in step 3 and the ’ ’Marriage Registration and Records Office – Information required for Registration of marriage in Hong Kong ’ as in step 4 , to the Notary in Taiwan.

If so, on the links that you left above, i can download the form in Step 4, but i cannot download the form in step 3, the ‘Notice of intended marriage’. I cannot find this form avaiable to download anyway.

Thanks in advance for any help!

[quote=“MollyMol”]If you are already married in Taiwan can you get married in HK?

To be clear: My wife and I got married in Taiwan but we want a marriage which is recognised in the UK, which is why we want to get married in HK. If you already are married in Taiwan can you get married in HK to the same person?


I got the very same question with MollyMol but in my case is that Greece after 2010 is not recognizing marriages that took place in Taiwan so i need to re-marry my wife in another country.
I tried to check Denmark but they do not accept any of the spouses to be registered in his/her home-country as married so i am looking for an alternative country. Marrying sounds as somehow straightforward but the question the big question remain… do they really ask for a “single” marital status certificate? Thanks!

ps. Oh, also, is there any agency in taiwan or hk that could be hired to manage all the paperwork and anything else required? I have only found events organizers but no agencies related dealing with the paperwork process.

Could someone confirm that the Public Notary Office in Kaohsiung to notarize the Notice of Intended Marriage is this one:

Kaohsiung District Court Notary Office No. 188, 3F, Hedong Road,Chienjin District, Kaohsiung City

i found this information from here: and wonder if this information is reliable.
About the Notice of Intended Marriage, we both have to get to the Public Notary Office in Kaohsiung and then, there to sign in front of them the document(s) or 1 of us is ok to go there and sign it in front of them? This notarized document is then accepted in HK or does it need any kind of translation or something from HK authorities in Taiwan?

Thanks for the info.

I have a question that I could do with being answered in tge next twelve hours.

If sending the Notice of Intended Marriage from overseas, do the bride and groom both need to sign the form (in front of a notary) or would just the groom be ok?

this reply might be too late, but in case someone’s wondering–one signature is enough, this is based on personal experience :wink:

[quote=“AdamLazaruso”]I have a question that I could do with being answered in tge next twelve hours.

If sending the Notice of Intended Marriage from overseas, do the bride and groom both need to sign the form (in front of a notary) or would just the groom be ok?[/quote]
this reply might be too late, but in case someone’s wondering–one signature is enough, this is based on personal experience :wink:

Where can I even find the form for notice of intended marriage? The link doesnt seem to work anymore and navigating through the main website is becoming a nightmare. I cant find the form for applying from overseas… Can only find how to arrange an appointment locally in HK. Any links for the form??

Thanks for the help. Great post but I’m getting really stressed, already stuck at step 1! Lol

The site says we need to complete Form MR1(S), but this form does not exist, even on the page listing every available form this is not listed. Has the name changed? or has the process changed now?