Taipei Times editing standards

Well, let’s just say journalism majors (present company included) aren’t the kind to do very well in math class.

Yeah but it’s elementary school maths, like currency conversions…simple simple stuff they screw up ALL THE TIME. How many times I’ve read millions for billions or billions for millions!

The latter might be a Taiwanese thing. Most people here blank if you tell them a million of something. Just like if they tell me 4,000 wan.

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Based on an example posted above, it seems editors in Taiwan also blank out when confronted by numbers such as “60” and “22.”

It’s not a Chinese-to-English translation problem; it’s just sloppiness.


Fair enough, I don’t work at TT or know anyone who currently does, so if it’s that bad then…

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In the name of all mercy, who selected the “piece of art” for today’s cover photo?!

Reminds me of an awful scene in Lust, Caution that traumatized me. Tony Leung was my sweetheart until that day when I saw… I saw… brrrr.

Watch at your own peril…


that made me think of a video i watched not so long ago about guys accepting to get their tattoo chosen by their friend

Perhaps they were trying to outdo that headline about Uranus the other day… :whistle:

I think we succeeded in educating TT reporters:

‘Jianren Hospital urologist Su Sheng-tsun (蘇聖村) said a patient who sought treatment for a genital inflammation …’

Hell, no more names, just ‘a patient’!

Fun with the TT.

‘which could lead to the formation of gallbladder stones in the urinary tract’ :rofl:

It’s either gallbladder stones or urinary tract stones.


That’s pretty bad.

Maybe it will be bad yesterday, but tomorrow it was good. :upside_down_face:


Some TT headlines of late have been atrocious—and not in a haha kind of way, just plain clueless.
