Taipei Times Headline right or wrong "swaps cash for digital payments"

It seems to me that this is more a matter of usage than grammar. It seems natural to say “I’ll swap you my Pepsi for your Coke.” But “I’ll swap you your Coke for my Pepsi.” doesn’t sound wrong to my ear. It just seems natural to start with what you have to offer if you’re the one proposing the trade.

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Swaps [Noun] for (in lieu of, in place of) [Noun]

Swaps [digital payments] for (in lieu of, in place of) [cash]

Starbucks swaps chicken for coffee.

OK, they’ve used ellipsis. It would have been clearer if they had written “swaps cash payments for digital payments”. I can’t see how anyone is going to be confused about it, though.

Also, grammar with newspaper headlines is tricky.

Fish Market Now Taking Digital Payments.

There. Solved.

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I suspect ironlady’s headline is the way to go.

The Taipei Times headline is correct to me IF they are no longer taking cash, but are now instead taking only digital payments. But that’s not what I get from reading the article.

“Fish Market Goes Fincoin.”