Taiwan Up! WTF Clinic!? (Hepatitis C infections)


It’s still f^%king open for business! Taiwan ~ still developing…

Five cases they caught, and…

The number of affected patients could be about 1,200, he said.


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I’m just exhausted by constant bullshit happening. I’m so out of here.

That said…

It was shut down on the 10th, according to Liberty Times anyway.

A clinic reusing needles? Is this the f*cking Third World or what?!

I wonder how compensation will be handled for the people these a-holes infected. There’s no cure for that shit. Maybe they’ll refund their guahao fei?

Worst thing is that it’s highly unlikely this is the only one…

Looks like New York is the third world as well.

My reading/writing is atrocious, anyone have a mandarin source?

Nope. In the 3rd world we know we are sick. Here, they pretend they are not. That is teh problem. “We do not have AIDS/Hepaptitis everyone is vaccinated in Taiwan, what is the worst that can happen?”

Now, problem is that they will argue that they reuse needles to save costs because they get so little from NHI. And they are right. It is less than affordable. Yet, that does not justify making people sick.

Heck, my vet does not reuse needles. I see them open the package, use it, and throw it away. On cats and dogs.

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It’s all over the local news.

I assume that is a rhetorical question.

Not really. Most dental clinics have disposable instruments that patients can purchase for extra safety. Average clinics hace disposable covers for examination tables, ear thermomethers, etc. they also throw away and change before each patient. My gynecologists offers whole packages from disposable speculums to gowns, thown away after each use. Most palces are careful. The one sthat are not… do not get lots of patients.

Problem here is that the “savings” were done with needles use dfor drips, which most aptients do not see the preparation of. This disaster falls squarely on the clinic’s hands.

How can you be sure it’s only one clinic? This clinic has the same attitude of “cost down” and profit that features in Taiwanese businesses (well, more like the bosses) in general without caring about anything that happens to its customers. Similar cultural attitudes are likely to produce similar results across industries.

If we applied this logic to the food industry in Taiwan, the food scandals for one company should not apply to the whole industry. Yet day after day, year after year, this are so many food scandals (who knows what is actually not caught). So I cannot buy the argument that it’s the clinic’s fault unless you could prove it’s a one off case.

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I agree that it is not this one clinic only. It is not a one time case. It falls on each clinic’s hands as there are responsible ones, as well as there are decent food industry players who do their best to produce best quality products.

While both economic sectors are heavily burdened by the race to shed costs, I cannot put them all under the “all are evil” umbrella. There have to be a certain amount of good ones, at least acceptable, or all of us would be dead already.

Indeed, in both cases, it is up to the Government/ pro consumer groups to supervise and punish accordingly, which is what is failing the most regarding foodstuff. In health sector, keeping premiums down and not enforcing anti corruption or anti wasteful measures.


Unless another clinic has been found doing this recently I would take this as a horrible abberatiion and simply a matter of the failing of human nature.

" the ministry has suspended the clinic’s operations for three months and forwarded the case to the judiciary."

“A nurse at the clinic, Chen Jui-jung (陳瑞蓉), allegedly said it was her idea to reuse the needles, adding that the clinic’s 89-year-old doctor, Lee Wei-chen (李維臣), was not aware of the matter.”.

Have a lowly nurse take the fall for the doctor/owner. Classic…

Not aware of the matter is not an excuse, I agree.
Wonder if his medical certification is up to date?