Taiwan's Awesome Fruits!

I went to Jason’s Market earlier today and they were selling peaches – two for like 270nt :astonished:

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02 2618 1671

Saw fresh waxberries here today. NT$300 a box. Larger than I’ve seen before (I notice a photo on google maps compares them to NT$10 coins) and more sweet than tart than I remembered. Ymmv. The photo below is not a full box, but after we’d already eaten a couple and then six more.


Soooo far away

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Those things gotta be in the markets in Taipei somewhere.

I haven’t had them this year, but in past years I really enjoyed them.


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Haha yeah especially with public transit. But if I get bored I might try. Red line toward Tamsui, Youbike across the closest bridge

You can get them pretty easily in markets this time of year. 樹莓 shu mei (tree berries). Not $300 a box either, I don’t think.


Breaking news: Tainan mangoes are delicious! :rofl:




Yes! Finally!

Mangoes are awesome.


Yes, I see some old trees on the streets here with nice mangos. It’s good no one takes the fruit, with it being in the city near the metro station.

Yanchao (Kao City - Gangshan) fruits!

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It was a bit of a slow start to the season, with a lot of small fruit hitting the market early, but there appears to be a lot of better mangoes around now. The big long whoppers — scientific name provided gratis — have been reliably good.

Lychees have been lighter on stock, I’ve had one great, and one forgettable bunch.

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Yes! This week I’ve been enjoying some small yellow mangoes (aka Taiwan No. 1;台灣一號) and wow! These little guys have been packed with flavour.



I tried some green mangoes last week from my fruit guy. These aren’t like the ones you would get on the street in Thailand, but rather they are sweet and appear almost ripened inside. Tangy with some really pleasant acidity.

It’s near the end of the season. Mangoes on the market now have likely been frozen or chilled from earlier in the season.


or imports.

now time for Pitaya


Yes heaps of dragon fruit available now, should you enjoy them.

While they may be more accurately called “fruits in Taiwan” as opposed to “Taiwan’s awesome fruits!” I can recommend the California plums and the Washington state cherries currently available. The ones I’ve found this year are excellent.



That’s it. I am done with all the NZ apples in Taiwan at the moment. This… thing … in my hand is the last I will eat until the Japan fujis reappear. The NZs started off so well when they started appearing a couple of months ago, however recently every one that I have eaten has been bruised and more recently spongey, coming from my three or four regular vendors. Lately they have been so bruised it looks like they tumbled these things down Mt Cook before putting them on the plane over here. The logistics involved must have been crazy.

I tried wild Taiwan walnut for the first time today.
Didn’t know it existed until very recently. Tiny seeds/nuts inside but they do actually taste like walnut.


They are one of my favorite a well. They are agreen skinned when ripe variety with very lttle fiber. They are sometimes called Longan mango in chinese, but there is another more common name now that they are scaled up and in super markets. This phone cant draw characters so will ask the wife to type it later. My trees already finished, but i always lkve July because of this mango. Or rather, the only thing i like about july is this mango haha.

The only mango i like.more is certain Yuwen, a cross with Irwin. Otherwise, Borneo mangoes hands down.

Once more of the Mangifera odorata start becoming commercially available, Taiwan is in for a TREAT!! God they are good. The genetics exist here too, just a matter of time :slight_smile: