Tax Returns

Can anyone tell me when one can first file their 2016 tax return ?
I have received my tax paper from my employer.
I keep hearing that you have to wait until May 1st.

If you have yr kousuipingdan then you’re welcome to file early.

*shui :relieved:

Bastard, I agonized over that and then went with my gut instinct. 25 years I’ve been pronouncing it wrong.

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Actually, it’s a kou jiao pingdan (扣繳憑單).

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Actually, Doctor, it’s 各類所得扣繳暨免扣繳憑單. Oh and 中華民國 at the beginning. :rolling_eyes:


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Anyone received their tax return CHECK yet??

No one gets checks granddad. We all get direct credits these days.

I really dropped the ball requesting a check this year :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: