The Blame Game: What caused the 2016 US election result?

No way, he’s going to be hated by vast majority of Americans. Mark my words.

College educated people (smart people) overwhelmingly supported Hillary. It’s the stupid people who fell for the Republican lies. So much so that they were tricked into believing that Hillary was a criminal. Gullible fools.

Lots of New Yorkers hated him too, but the city improved vastly under his administration.

I love it when lefties double down on hating poor people in the hinterlands who just love their country and their history. They’ve never forgiven the proletariat for not rising up in the Marxist revolution and so want to see them crushed whatever it takes. The elitist contempt for the “uneducated” people in the so-called “flyover states” is fantastic. You people learnt nothing from Brexit, and you’ll learn nothing from this.


Right on cue, as I was typing my last point, Chris turned up to dump another bucket of faeces on the heartland. Kek hears me and keeps sending me messages.

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Nope Americans in general don’t like this level of nasty’. They let trump get away with it but they’ll hammer Gingrich (again) and Giuliani. Seen interviews with Giuliani he’s a hasbeen lickspittle. Not an impressive character in the slightest. :sunglasses:
He’ll have to up his game big time for US as a whole and I don’t think he has it in him.

Gingrich was the biggest failure for the republicans in the 90s. No reason why he can’t repeat the same feat again.

If trump appoints them they’ll all be turfed out in four years.

I went to college, and I was surrounded by idiots.

Of course, they all thought they were brainiacs, because they were, like, in college.

By the way, you seem bitter.

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It could be a combination of the Dunning-Kruger effect and finally beginning to realise that, actually, reality does not have a liberal bias, and that he has woken up on the wrong side of history.

Here is something appropriate:

Ozymandias the Delusional made it all about him and his legacy. He probably thought he was helping.

[quote]“I also told my team today to keep their heads up, because the remarkable work that they have done day in, day out … has left the next president with a stronger, better country than the one that existed eight years ago,” he said.
His control over the narrative has eroded away, but his delusional self regard has not.

Not a Christian, not a Muslim. Still a faithful worshiper at the altar of himself.

Donna Brazile under the bus:

She’s a black woman. Isn’t it sexist and racist to criticize her?

What was your first clue?

Unless this pic linked by hansioux is wrong…

College graduates white man 54% for Trump vs 39% for clinton Trump + 15%

College graduates white women 45% for Trump vs 51% for clinton Clinton +6%

Dont see a lead for Clinton on the educated crowd, and definitely not overwhelming.

You talk as if only white people vote in the US…

Well most other minority groups are not very high in the college education department, except for Asians. Blacks and Hispanics have lower rates compared to whites. I would have to see numbers, but it doesn’t seem like factoring in those groups would shift the balance to 50 percent of college educated votes for hillary.

White liberal moral smugness is definitely a thing. A fringe thing. A very loud, strident fringe thing, that’s prone to violent outbursts, alternating with crying jags.

Bit of a mental health problem, methinks. I blame it on overindulgent and overprotective parenting. The left wing indoctrination comes later, and is just the icing on the snowflake.

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I take issue with the title of this thread itself with the word “blame”. This is one of the greatest things ever to have happened to USA, the world ‘blame’ is totally irrelevant. Congratulations all around are in order.

Thanks for pointing that out, I probably should’ve stated myself that I do not think your link made Chris’ claim false automatically, since it did not include non-white voters in the States.

However I do think this pic (if accurate) is sufficient for people to question Chris’ post.

I really just want to see this trend of calling each other “idiots” to end.

You want they should just call us non-leftists Nazis?

Name calling is an Alinskyite tradition. One of the better ones, if you ask me. The great thing about is they can dish it out but they can’t take it.

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Older people voted for Trump, same as Brexit

You know what they say: with age comes wisdom.