The EU death watch thread

The liberal guilt theory of why Europe can’t/won’t save itself from Islamization. Suicide by political correctness:

If you’re daring, visit Europe now. It may not be there later.

(As for LePen losing, I see it as matter of timing. If she shows she can handle this with grace, she can try again, build momentum over years and eventually win. But hints are she’s not going to handle it with grace. So… someone else. And possibly not in the electoral arena, for democracy may not survive long enough.)

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The body is clear enough.

The majority of French seem to be morons who forgot that their most of their southern neighbor was Muslim territory for about 700 years or so and that the Muslims armies did attack France during this time period. Charles Martel must be rolling over in his grave right now.

I don’t think they’re forgetting history. Think about the US and how many people voted for the Dems in 2008, 12 and 16 following the trend of:“If you don’t vote for us it’s because you’re racist”.

In Europe it’s pretty much the same but to the Nth degree because most (if not all) countries are left-leaning. The English working class has been labeled a bunch of old racist close minded bigots by many simply because they expressed the desire to leave the EU. In the rest of Europe if you even mention the idea of border control you get people calling you a nazi. There was no way France would go from Hollande to LePen, it’s too much of a change. Many in the working class, especially far from Paris, still voted for her, which is a very strong signal. Many left leaning politicians in Europe have spent the last decade or so completely ignoring social and security issues, and the longer these issue go unchallenged the more people will start to vote the other way around. People can only be ignored for so long.

Macron’s economical plan doesn’t sound too bad, but security and immigration are more relevant issues in Europe right now and he hasn’t addressed those at all during his campaign. We can only hope he’ll not transform France in Sweden 2.0, with just open borders allowing anything to enter and be placed on social wellfare, creating a long-lasting voter base that basically relies on the state for any kind of income.

The great thing about Macron is he’s not establishment. The establishment was given the bum’s rush in the first round.

The bad thing is he’s not anti-establishment enough, in the one or two ways that matter a hell of a lot.

I’d say “baby steps…” except extinction is breathing down their all-too-collective neck. There just isn’t time to be slow learners.

Charles Martel emerged because the times called for him. If the times call for another such, much will already have been destroyed. Europe keeps trying to grapple with its past, and keeps missing the point of the lesson therein. They just don’t get this whole freedom thing. So they oscillate between manorialism and postmodernism - the two poles of eurostupidity

It was the Anglo-Saxons who invented freedom. Athens tried, but they didn’t quite get the formula right. Faith in democracy puts the cart before the horse. You have to have liberty under law before you can have and keep democracy. And before you can have liberty under law, you have to have a pragmatic and anti-stupid culture. This is what the SJW crowd are undermining.

What’s Dieter doing these days?

That’s a major issue indeed. People don’t want to vote for “far-(left/right)” candidates for fear of being too extreme. Politicians know that by being “far-(left/right)” they’d alienate a large portion of the electorate so they try to just smile and wave, avoiding to address any problem that can lead to backlash.

Pretending that everything is ok and problems will just sort themselves out is what many people are doing, but it’s not going to solve anything. And I’m not just referring to the rise in crime and terrorism caused by all those poor 30 year old migrant children who live off free stuff.

The EU has developed a system that only benefits large companies at the expense of the working class. Average salaries are going down almost everywhere because it has never been easier to hire cheap(er) labor from other countries. The EU is heading to something similar to a federation of states, with the extra bonus (yay!) of a central organ that is not accountable for its actions and is not influenced by the democratic elections of each single state. It’s absolutely dreadful, and only the Brits so far realized it, after compromising their fishing industry and seing how un-democratic the EU really is.

“Business for Britain identified and listed - using publicly available sources and Freedom of Information Requests - 55 occasions in which the UK voted ‘no’ to a measure put before the Council and when the measure passed anyway because the UK was outvoted.”

British people elect politicians to represent their interests in the EU → those politicians express a vote → EU ignores them, 55 times. Useful and democratic!

Like the usa!

You are right!
With the CDU in power in Gemany, they tried to copy more and more the American system 1 to 1.
They all should have stayed with a more socialism approach. Let’s hope that somehow Merkel will lose the election this year and the social democrats win. They are willing to support Marcon.

Oh goody, a Rowlandian Academy history lecture! :grinning:

We all know the Magna Carta was a thing (and arguably still is). But my worthless self lacks understanding of this “pragmatic and anti-stupid culture” of which you speak. Please enlighten. :bowing:

The German army. When’s the last time we heard from these guys?

Well, they need to be ready to fight back the threat of far right nationalistic parties like the Swedish Democrats.
I mean, they’re basically socialists, but for some reason they’re painted as a FAR RIGHT party by many European media outlets because they’re not in favor of trucks of peace, so I guess we have to consider them FAR RIGHT.

Far right of somewhere.

Well, compared to Marx they’re “far right”, so I guess there’s some truth in that statement?
But by that logic…basically everyone is far right, and if EVERYONE is far right…then no one is FAR RIGHT…

Mind = partially blown

The horseshoe diagram will clarify. As will the Nolan chart.

Remember: fascism emerged from socialism.

And remember: shameful, shameful failure emerged from Anglo-Saxonism. :sob:


I’ll settle for a true Scotsman…

How’s the EU going to handle their migration crisis.

Europe is a big place, it’s no surprise that this is a hot button topic in Italy in particular .

It’s more of a region than a place. That’s why.

It’s most certainly not an identity, and the bureaucrats in Brussels can’t make it one, no matter how hard they try.

Early preliminary results, not necessarily reliable…

There is no center anymore. It couldn’t hold.

Nothing to see here…

No, really. Nothing…

Except maybe:

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