The Harvey Weinstein Scandal

For your consideration:

You cannot compare Bill Clinton with Weinstein. The people who are accusing Weinstein of rape, sexual abuse etc are not mysteriously disappearing one by one.

Come on, donā€™t make this political. It is a serious social issue beyond politics.

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When did Monica mysteriously disappear?

Oh, I got your point. It was just kind of pointless, shall we say.

I just read something about the #metoo Twitter/Facebook boycott and I find it very alarming:

Also, Reese Witherspoon just said that she was sexually assaulted by a director when she was 16. I donā€™t particularly like her but if even someone of her caliber only discloses this now, one can only imagine how bad the situation really is.

Also, this is hardly exclusive to America or Hollywood. Japan, Korea, and China are all known for casting couch. Bjƶrk also said that she was harassed by Lars von Trier while filming Dancers in the Dark, and von Trier is from Denmark. Nicole Kidman was also allegedly abused on the set of Dogville.

Oh, shes definitely still around.

So are some of his other accusers of rape and sexual assault.

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Lars von Trier has always creeped me out, and just from the content of his movies you can get the idea heā€™s a perv. His movies themselves are overly pretentious. Dogville is the best example of this. Itā€™s an okay script that should have been cut down to about half the size, and it could have been a decent movie if it was handled by a competent director. But thatā€™s not really on topicā€¦

I perhaps didnā€™t see the backlash against the R. Kelly and Bill Cosby accusers. Their hardcore fans are always going to be in denial, of course, but I really donā€™t get the feeling there was a huge backlash. The Janet/JT thing is true. She got the brunt of it from the media. Plus that was blown out of proportion. It was just more public body shaming of women, and if I recall he threw her under the bus.

The slut shaming of Monica Lewinsky is sad in retrospect. She really didnā€™t do anything wrong. She didnā€™t make any promises to love and obey someone til death do they part, and she didnā€™t take an oath to tell the truth and then lie through her teeth. She blew some banana-penised president. Thatā€™s her right as a red blooded American woman, damn it.

I do like that sheā€™s gotten some redemption in recent years, speaking out against the bullying she received. Hopefully all of this Weinstein stuff changes the overall tone of this conversation. And itā€™s nice that a lot of people are speaking out, but they still arenā€™t naming names. Until that happens, itā€™s possible nothing will change.


I really like Melancholia though. It was hard to shake off that last scene for me.

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Most of the women who accused Cosby were white. Iā€™m pretty sure they just cherry picked a bunch of other less notable cases out of what must be many. Seems like typical internet.

On the other hand, Srđan Spasojević (director of A Serbian Film) seems like a nice guy.


I normally ignore you, but what the fuck man?

Heā€™s correct, thereā€™s difference between feminists and feminazis.

Itā€™s a disgusting term.

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I suppose you object to the term ā€œgrammar naziā€ too.


So itā€™s OK to call people who are obsessive about grammar nazis, but not women who think all men are rapists?

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Strawman. I donā€™t have time to belabor this point. Suffice it to say Iā€™ve never met or heard of a woman that thinks that way.

I guess you donā€™t get around much. Youā€™ve never heard of Catherine MacKinnon? A choice quote from her:

ā€œIn a patriarchal society, all heterosexual intercourse is rape because women, as a group, are not strong enough to give meaningful consent.ā€


Well thatā€™s nice to know, or possibly passive aggressively rude.

But there are women who openly boasts man hating as their justification is that they are oppressed and therefore have to right to openly hate men. Some donā€™t boast and say it outright. But basically instead of bringing up women. They focus on putting down men.

Also Iā€™m sure there could be feminists who are neo nazis.

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