The new education reform thread

What do you mean by education reform, and who would the Taiwanese take as inspiration?

At the secondary school level, East Asia (with the very approach that many people claim they want to change) is collectively wiping the floor with the West. Look at the PISA results. Several fairly significant Western nations (most notably, Sweden) have plummeted over the past twelve years. Even everyone’s progressive darling, Finland, has fallen out of its regular top three position towards the bottom of the top ten. It will be interesting to see what the 2015 results are like when they finally get released. Likewise, discipline and such matters are frequently out of control in Western schools compared to Taiwan.

Then, at the tertiary level, it doesn’t help when people in Asia witness the insane identity politics now eating Western universities alive. Perhaps the most egregious example is the following:

Who the hell would want to copy Western education systems? Why wouldn’t East Asian countries keep doing more of the same, given the alternative?