The robot revolution thread

Where were these arguments the last time we had an anarcho-capitalist showdown? Where were these arguments the last time we had a net neutrality showdown (without a single Rowland post :astonished:)?

(Open source is not socialism. It’s a gift economy - reverse socialism. From each according to his willingness, to each according to his wishes.)

That’s such a lovely way of putting it, I’ll even give it a rare only-slightly-ironic rainbow! :rainbow: :slight_smile:

I see a three-tier society emerging, with AI as the middle tier. The computer nerds are the Morlochs, and ordinary people are the Eloi. The machines will manage the Eloi, and the superior humans will manage the machines.

Eh? That’s four tiers unless you’re saying the Morlocks are the Superior Humans™. And if you’re saying that, well, (spoiler alert) joke’s on you and your fellow Morlocks – the Eloi win in the end! :sunglasses:

At least until the Singularity. After that, all bets are off.

Yeah, that’s a tough one. You can meditate, or you can binge-watch Rick & Morty. I can’t think of any other way to prepare. :weary: