The United States Has Attacked ISIS

Speaking of science fiction: … ghdad-bob/

By the way. Baghdad Barry is a big fan of targeted drone strikes. Replace Team America with drones. They’re easier to control. The trouble with that is his administration can’t even put together a health care website properly, or think to encrypt drone telemetry. Someone will get the technology right, but it won’t be this current bunch.

Say, I wonder if all this SyFy mockery has something to do with sour grapes? Progressives hallucinate the future, then when their crackpot schemes collapse all they have is envy of the visionaries. They’re like the scientist in Lilo and Stitch. They wish we all thought they were mad. The truth is, we all know they’re stupid.

“Mission Accomplished” Barry’s biggest delusion was that he could extricate the U.S. from the quagmire in Iraq.

Latest quagmire development: