The US-Mexico border thread

Well, there’s no cops to call on them. And they’re not far removed from a crack house.

But they do have a lot of guns. Because of the gun control.

One way to deal with a crack house next door if the police aren’t helpful is to discreetly start a fire. By this analogy, there are plenty of groups in northern Mexico that we could fund as pet insurgencies. Kind of like Fast and Furious, but with a different purpose.

As for non-evil options, well… here’s the trouble with stupid people. There just aren’t any nice ways of dealing with them that actually work. They will destroy themselves; it’s just a question of whether you will be collateral damage. The best way to protect yourself is to choose the time of their demise.

It should be obvious that a) trumps b)

Attempted shakedown? There’s room for interpretation…

What could possibly go wrong?

The phrase “inverting the relationship” comes to mind. Socialism is not a partnership. It’s a dependency relationship. You don’t ask your rugrats to have your back.

And if there’s no match… what then?

A new development in Fast and Furious. Will he talk?

Here’s an idea…

The symbolism would be perfect. And, arguably, it would be Mexico paying for it. Well, Mexicans at any rate.

I think a good argument could be made that it would be Americans paying for the wall through the use of such funds. American drug users, but still Americans.

And why is this even an issue? I thought it was all solved. Trump did say on the campaign trail “Mexico by way of theoretical gains we will make as a result of a restructured international trade deal.” I’m sure of it.

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I wouldn´t care for them building an useless wall if it wasn´t for the butterflies and other fauna. They are the only ones who cannot figure a way around/over/under.

Well, at least he ain’t full-on far right republican à la @Andrew0409

This is why I switched my position on trump, and this is why he will win 2020. Everyone who does not have left leaning ideology is far right, alt right, nazis, racist, sexist, etc.


That doesn’t concern me anyway. That concerns you more.

So you’re suggesting that someone who supports building a border wall is NOT far right?

How is it far right? When did having a border and enforcing immigration laws become far right?

Stop feeding yourself on fake news.

No explain, how is having a border and enforcing laws of the land far right?


Good advice. Hopefully @gain will heed it. :sunglasses:

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Half of all americans do (and did), it just depends what you call it.


some people make a distinction between building a border “wall” and a border “fence.” Indeed, analyzing 150-plus polls conducted over the past 13 years available in the iPoll Databank archive shows that 49 percent supported a border “fence” while 38 percent supported a border “wall”—an 11-point difference

A good read overall.

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How about trying to address issues without creating a false choice between left or right wing, and actually thinking about the issues?

He didn’t talk about the border, or immigration laws. He was talking about the wall specifically.

A good start would be responding to what people are actually saying, rather putting words in the mouths of the people you’re having a discussion with.

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