Things To Do After Getting Married To a TW Citizen?

I see tons of threads on the actual process of getting married, but what are some things that need to be done after the entire marriage process is complete? For example, I know that foreign spouses are now eligible to participate (required?), and contribute up to 6% to the national pension fund, and the company they work for is required to contribute at least 6% of their monthly salary on their behalf as well.

What are some other “benefits” that should be addressed after marriage to a Taiwanese citizen?

To cry :slight_smile:

Strengthen your nerves. Find excuses not to watch this endless soap opera with always the same actors that never ever stops. Find excuses not to get on your knees in front of colorful statues. Train yourself to ignore stuff like family members looking through you as if you are thin air or starting to giggle when being introduced to you. If you are a male, then learn how to dive when the water cooker comes flying. If you are a female, learn how to throw a water cooker.

One thing to try, but only after marriage, would be sex.

I’d consider that a benefit.

Though one day you have 2 mothers-in-law instead of 1 mother-in-law and a wife.
Cough. I have heard.

Represent your culture. The responsible part of your culture.
My answer to the question is find a local who can educate you about marriage in Taiwanese culture and the expectations that it entails. Lots to learn. You are in for a long journey. The more street knowledge you have going in the smoother things will be.