This Flat-Earther Is About To Launch Himself In A Homemade Rocket To Prove Earth Is Flat

Reminds me of that college “professor” in the other thread arguing that there aren’t any stars because, like, he’s never seen a star up close.

Hard to tell if these people are just idiots or a bit unhinged.


Aren’t the windows convex shaped though?

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So they think thousands of satellites just float over the earth? How does that work?

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Well in Star Wars and Star Trek ships just somehow float up there when they reach a certain altitude…

I really hope that interplanetary flights will become available and affordable soon. So then I can finally see the Earth from space.

A homemade what???

He’s already a successful troll. If he makes this flight and lands safely I say he’s a rocket scientist.

They’re not just going to hand out interplanetary passports to any old hooman, you know. You guys can barely stay civil on airplanes! :roll_eyes:


That did not end well :latin_cross:


I read this yesterday and just knew there had been a thread about this guy. His beliefs proved fatal, unfortunately.

I tend to think it was more his desire to shoot himself into the sky in rockets.

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I wonder if he’s in Flat Heaven now? :innocent:

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Surrounded by flat chested :girl:

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It’s obviously because the NASA elites don’t want him to get to the skies to see the TRUTH! They shot him down before he could ever find out :wink:

This is a joke post.

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Thanks for clarifying. :wink:


He was like Truman at the end of the Truman show, except Truman broke on through to the other side.

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We don’t want people gettin their knickers in a knot now.

A twist would be sufficient… :sunglasses:

He was no rocket scientist.

Rad exit, though.