Tired of living in this s***hole

Right. And Christmas Eve has traditionally been an adult party night in Taiwan–like Halloween or New Year’s Eve. Now that Taiwanese don’t get Christmas off and have discovered New Year’s Eve, it’s not quite as crazy as it used to be, but last night was still pretty rowdy.

What you can do is call the cops like everyone else does. Learn enough Chinese to be able to say your neighbor’s address and add ‘tai4chao3le5’. Practice three times. Call the police at 110 (it will be routed to your local station) and tell them the problem. They have to go check it out and they will tell them to keep it down. If they get noisy again, call again. That’s what everyone else does.

I would avoid going over in person unless you are absolutely sure they are wimps and from somewhere else. You have no idea who they are (probably nobody) and how the will respond. Let the cops do it. It’s their job.

Finally, if you think Taiwan is a shithole, leave.

Merry Christmas.

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