Typhoons 2017


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A model shows Noru making landfall in Japan as a fairly strong typhoon, while another model predicts it may reach such a low pressure that any other typhoon would pale in comparison. Katrina (well, a hurricane, but follows the same pressure scale), Saudelor, and other super typhoons of recent years would look like trivial events.

Hopefully the latter forecast will be wrong.

Silence on the ocean: currently 0 invests/storms on our side of the Pacific.

Just the sun warming up air and water.

What could possibly go wrong?

And zero precipitation in most of Taiwan for how many days now? What could go wrong?


Damn near blew my hat off.

Look, man, nobody likes getting fucked up more than @Rocket, I swear.
But you want to maybe consider taking one straight day every, say month or so??

Just spitballing here

Long is the way and hard, that out of inadequacy leads up to Ubermensch-status. (Plato)

Oh, well, sure, I mean far be it from me and fuckin Diejenigen, die nicht die Musik hören, denken die TĂ€nzer verrĂŒckt and all that, like.

I mean, you know, go for it.
Vis a vis the big picture and whatnot.
Knock yourself out, buddy.:+1:


Tropical depression 14W, it went from invest to tropical depression status in the blink of an eye. Really far from us, so no worries.

q) Will it come to Taiwan?
a) No

q) But what if it turns?
a) No

Is this something stirring due east of PPE?

The High or Sub Tropical Ridge, under which typhoons usually form and are then steered by, has been parked well south and this has been preventing typhoons forming in their usual incubation grounds. However, that might be starting to move north and we should see some activity happening by later this week

I’ll wait 24/36 hours before starting to unleash my HAPPENING gifs.


I was about to ask if anyone wanted to bet on a typhoon hitting the Universiade but rats, now it ain’t fair.

It’s not happening, guys.


edit: for GFS it’s happening next week!!!

though recently GFS has apparently been on crack, so I wouldn’t bet on their alternative indie underground forecast

Is this right? It’s the middle of August, and it seems a lot windier down under? Isn’t it like the winter there?


Gfs went through rehab, now they agree it’s not happening.


Oh maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

I hate $&%*# typhoons. :tired_face:

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Maybe the government should issue another round of water restrictions. Every time they do that, it rains with chances of typhoons. It happened in 2015, and we had 4 or 5 storms that season.

But there’s nothing going on at the moment!

Also, I personally know a lot of typhoons who are hard working tropical depressions, let’s not generalize. #notall

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