U.S Domestic Policies for the next 4 years

How about this poor schmuck: Wear a pro-peace T-shirt in certain malls, and you get arrested. He’s not making a ruckus, not doing anything more than wearing a T-shirt inside the same mall where he bought the T-shirt. edition.cnn.com/2003/US/Northeas … rest.reut/

You have to expect that the enormous frustration with inept Bush policies will come out. All these people, being so polite all day in their offices while they watch Bush screw up again and again… never saying anything until a neocon shows up at the dinner party and tells them that the war in Iraq is the greatest thing since sliced bread. However, keep in mind that these poor guys are also stuck having to explain U.S. foreign policy to angry non-Americans all the time, trying to defend post-9/11 America while seething that the Bush administration has often done things that have made defending the U.S. harder to do. Indefinite detentions? Abu Ghraib? Steel tarriffs?

Republicans regularly question the patriotism of anybody who questions the wisdom of the Bush administration policies or tactics. We’re “traitors” because we don’t agree with the president? Screw that. We love the U.S. – we want it to do well and do good.

I hadn’t thought of it until you mentioned this now, but Bush also fails on most traditional “conservative” scorecards. What is your point, exactly?

I bet Mussolini’d be the first to arrest people for wearing “Italy Out of Ethiopia” T-shirts.

Definitely sounds like the Republicans.

Nothing. Don’t change the America I love into a place where we don’t tolerate free speech.

How about those of us who love our country and don’t want it to be used to create ills elsewhere on the planet? Or those of us who are so patriotic that we don’t want half our combat capabilities dumped into the middle of a desert to fight a war that has no relationship to U.S. security? Or those of us who want those troops available to take the fight right to the terror groups, wherever they are? Or those of us who love America so much that we don’t want our valuable resources spent on “Star Wars”-style missile defense boondoggles when airport and port security are still in a big mess. Some of us love the United States so wholeheartedly that we want our president to deal with real threats like North Korea instead of fake threats like Saddam’s Iraq.

The Left forgave and forgot? Maybe there’s a couple of far-lefties who like commie dictators, just as there’s some far-righties who like fascist dictators. What’s your point? The vast majority of Americans don’t like Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot.

If you’ve ever been near a chemical plant on a day when a spill has happened, you’d think a lot of things.