Unoffical traffic cops

Funny enough, I AM a traffic cop 5 days a week…

When my daughter was in 2nd grade, they opened a new exit for her elementary school. The parents, in their rush to pick up their kids would double and triple park right in front of it. The kids not only couldn’t see across the busy street, but the crossing guards couldn’t either. After seeing several near misses, I complained to the principal. He looked me straight in the eye and asked me if I was willing to do something about it.

That was 4 years ago. So, everyday from 3pm to 3:30, I don my volunteer cap, vest and whistle and head for the street. If you think the parents habits can’t be changed, guess again. I have designated spots for scooters, senior citizens, Bushiban buses and cars. No one EVER parks in my yellow zone, and I’ve gotten several commendations from the Yangmei school district for having the safest crosswalk in town. I enjoy this to no end, and feel, at least in my small orb, that some change has been made… :smiley: