US Presidential Election 2004 V

MaPoSquid is a liar. He cites some “credible analysis”:

David Kay has said that the high powered explosives are easy to distinguish because they appear in a powdered form, unlike other explosives.[/quote]
However, a somewhat more credible analysis states:

[quote=“”]IAEA Seals In ABC Report Don’t Match Missing Explosives

If you review the pictures on the KSTP web site that has the ABC video everyone is using you can see a very clear picture of a seal with its number (#144322). The PDF document of the UN inspections available show the numbers of the seals and none of them have that number. Therefore, it is clear that the bunkers that ABC videoed were not the ones that held the HMX the UN inspected.

UPDATE II: Looking at the IAEA report from its inspection on January 14, 2003, this seal did not cover any of the IAEA materials at Al Qaqaa. Here are the seal numbers that were used to keep the HMX and RDX under wraps:

50/221075 51/221074 59/221073 41/221072 49/221071 35/221076 34/221080 38/361167 37/221087

None of these numbers are even close in sequence to the number shown in the ABC report.[/quote][/quote]

What is wrong? There is a part of the page, at the bottom, disproving that theory.

They falsely claim that the ABC video of Al Qaqaa base has this image in it.

In actuality, that is not from an ABC video at all, but from the IAEE itself. It’s a sample image to show just what IAEE seals look like.

When the webpage you reference has the disclaimer, I refuse to blame only Bush for incompetency, but also MaPoSquid. How can you fail to read the commentary on the webpage that shows that it’s actually a hoax?

What a waste of time. It’s not even funny.

What’s MaPoSquid’s next attempt. Want to prove that Saddam had trucks?