USA and gun control

There’s simply no evidence there would be more carnage from other weapons if guns were banned.
Sounds like BS to me

Probably because there not a lot of mass murders from weapons in general. Gun relate mass murders are incredibly rare but our emotions run high because it’s publicized and children were involved. You’re completely missing my point,

Yes, all for looking over gun laws and changing things. But it’s just a bandaids on what’s going on. We can all feel good and get new gun laws passed now, but there seems to be a deeper reason I’m concerned about.

Screwdrivers and drywall saw blades added to the list of things that need to be banned after guns, knives, hammers, fists, feet, cars, alcohol, pharma drugs, opiods, terrorists, bears, mountain lions, sharks, etc.

cods whallop,

top mass killings in the US
Nevada: guns: 58 dead
Bath school Disaster: guns and dynamite: 44 dead
pacific airline flight 773: airdisaster caused when the pilot was shot by a gun: 44 dead
pacific southwest airlines 1771: airdisaster caused when the pilot was shot dead with a gun: 43 dead
virginia tech: guns: 32 dead
Sandy hook: guns 27 dead
sutherland springs: guns: 26 dead
lubys shooting, kileen texas: guns: 23 dead
San Ysidro: macdonalds massacre: guns: 21 dead

etc etc

please update when someone manages to take out dozens of people with a blunt screwdriver

No they are not.

It’s all relative, my son. Look at drunk driving killing people. Bigger numbers.
Mass shootings (3 or more) since 1992 totalled like 800 if I remember when I read an article yesterday. Look at how many drunk drivers have killed (about 5-10,000 annually). Ban cars? Ban alcohol?
Look at Swiss gun ownership (near the same level as U.S.), yet less mass shootings per capita. Why? Maybe culture.
So, it ain’t the gun. Perhaps it’s big pharma and psychologists pushing/putting kids and everyone else to get on meds just to “placate” them, make profit. The shooter was on meds that made him delusional, see/hear things. Wanna boycott those drug companies?

So like I said: “totally useless obvious advice”

Murder by weapon from 2009-2013 from FBI website (at end of post).
Mass shootings (3 or more) over 1982-2018 (sorry, I was wrong, an extra 10 years). total (if I remember from copy/paste): 800+

So, in one year, more people are killed by knives, blunt objects, personal weapons (fists), than in 36 years of mass shootings.

So, hand over your knives, hands, feet, etc., because they are killing more than mass shootings.

You’re getting played by the media. No media broadcasts nationally every day when a drunk driver kills someone (5-10,000 per year).

Murder Victims
by Weapon, 2009–2013
Download Excel
Weapons 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Total 13,752 13,164 12,795 12,888 12,253
Total firearms: 9,199 8,874 8,653 8,897 8,454
Handguns 6,501 6,115 6,251 6,404 5,782
Rifles 351 367 332 298 285
Shotguns 423 366 362 310 308
Other guns 96 93 97 116 123
Firearms, type not stated 1,828 1,933 1,611 1,769 1,956
Knives or cutting instruments 1,836 1,732 1,716 1,604 1,490
Blunt objects (clubs, hammers, etc.) 623 549 502 522 428
Personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.)1 817 769 751 707 687
Poison 7 11 5 13 11
Explosives 2 4 6 8 2
Fire 98 78 76 87 94
Narcotics 52 45 33 38 53
Drowning 8 10 15 14 4
Strangulation 122 122 88 90 85
Asphyxiation 84 98 92 106 95
Other weapons or weapons not stated 904 872 858 802 850

According to the link you post, the single biggest type of killing is firearms: all between 8 and 10 thousand per year. Knives are all between 1 and 2 thousand per year. The total for all murders is between 12 and 14 thousand for every year. So the guns are clearly the majority of murders. I am not sure how you are doing to math to come to the conclusion that guns are not the biggest killer. 1+1 = 3?

In addition, talking about mass killings, those are all guns.

It’s how the media makes it an emotional topic.
It’s all relative.
You didn’t have any comment about cars (alcohol-related) killing more/ roughly same amount of people in one year as all murders. So, let’s ban cars.
Again, the media is playing people, making it an emotional topic.
“If it bleeds, it leads” is the call of editors of websites, newspapers, TV news.
Look at Taiwan news at night. Continuous barage of people getting run over by cement trucks, buses, random cars. So, let’s ban them like you say guns need to be banned.

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I’m getting played by your inability to read the stats that you posted

I just laid out all the details and obviously “read the stats that [I] posted”.
The stats say death by ALL guns roughly equals death by ALL drunk drivers every year.
So, ban ALL cars according to most (not all) anti-gun posters’ logic who want to ban ALL guns.

the stats you posted say nothing about drunk drivers. But you can see that issue here:

In anycase it is a red herring. just because people are dying due to one issue does not mean that other issues should be ignored.If you want to deflect to a totally unrelated issue the best one is smoking.

"According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 37,461 people died in traffic crashes in 2016 in the United States (latest figures available), including an estimated 10,497 people who were killed in drunk driving crashes involving a driver with an illegal BAC (.08 or greater). "

Because it doesn’t fix it, does it? In fact all it does is more deeply entrench people in their positions.

In any way possible? Really? Yours is a my way or the highway approach. You already rejected discussing the politics surrounding the issue.

Back to my analogy with the horses having bolted, its like watching someone running around trying to catch the horses but all they are achieving is getting the horses agitated. Then someone suggests, let the horses calm down, try an alternate method like putting some food in a bucket and wait for them to come to you. Only for the person to keep running around, flapping their arms shouting “you’re too stupid to understand, all that matters is getting the horses in the barn” all the while agitating the horses and achieving nothing.

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Gotta wonder what gets the media all frenzied up more…

17 kids in one place getting shot up
50 kids in different parts of the country getting shot on the same particular day for different reasons

The former seems to pack an interesting emotional punch (not that the other doesnt)even if the numbers suggest otherwise.

Drunk driving deaths vs. Mass shootings. WTF?
They are completely different.
Drunk driving is poor judgement.
Mass shooting is intent to kill.
You cant lump them into the same category.

Yes, society has a problem with rage. It is rage that causes people to take out other people. What is fueling the rage? Easy access to guns makes it easier to kill by guns. The movie industry and gaming industry has desensitized us to violence. It has made it entertaining and exciting, a rush. So we have glorified violence through media, there is dissconnect through technonlogy, immersion of sensationalized headlines through easy access 24-7 media and constant social pressure from social media. Add all of that to an unknown reason for rage and you get our current situation.

This illness society is facing is coming from multiple fronts all at once. The best way any individual can help stop this illness is to focus on the family. Make sure you yourself are mentally stable and healthy, then raise your kids with empathy and good values. Strengthen the family unit and fight this disease from within.

As a society, yes the immediate cure to stop gun violence is to remove the guns. Period. It wont stop violence, but it will stop gun violence. It will stop kids from taking out their classmates with guns.

If you think taking away guns will take away your freedom, you are mental. If you think you are truly free, you are mental. Big government and corporations already control society in the USA. Americans are not as free as they think they are. It is all an illusion. Having a gun will not protect you from the government, it wont protect your freedoms. You do not need a gun. If you feel unsafe and you feel the need to have a gun to protect yourself, why the hell would you want to live in a place like that? Many socities are relatively gun free and still have personal freedoms and liberty.

The teacher’s been doing it every Friday since Columbine.
While “Brilliant” may be overstating it somewhat, it’s proactive and not reactive.

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Why would I be saying do it if I didn’t think it would fix it.

Sure. Greater background checks, bans of powerful automatic weapons from sale and private ownership, magazine restrictions, whatever can be done.


Right, I only care about the issue.

All it seems you want to do is sit around and watch the horses. I want to get the horses back in the pen, and you’re telling me to stop waving my arms and sit down and talk it over. I’m not waving my arms and talking isn’t going to get them back in the pen. Only action will.

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Digest of the digest for busy people:

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