Vietnamese teachers wanted in Taiwan / Kids with a SE Asian mother aren't Taiwanese

This article is talking about a demand for Vietnamese and other southeast Asian languages to be taught in Taiwan. So if you speak Chinese and one of those languages, maybe you have a job opportunity.

But when you read it, you come to this

The government is rolling out the Southeast Asian language program with the aim of offering at least one foreign language option to all students in the K-12 system, while helping Taiwan-born children of immigrants to learn their mother tongues so that they could work in Southeast Asia in the future if they wish, according to Tsa.

The phrase “Taiwan-born children of immigrants” stands out as showing that the government doesn’t consider children born to a Taiwanese father and SE Asian mother to be Taiwanese and probably inferior to Taiwanese.

Reading between the lines, it seems that they want to teach these children their mother’s language, so they will leave Taiwan.

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Vietnamese classes for children