Vindictive students - normal part of system?

GuyInTaiwan: thanks for your comments. I appreciate your focus on the ideas you are presenting without implying anything derogatory about people who don’t agree with you. :slight_smile:

I have difficulties with your concept of “the West”: are you talking about countries where the English language is dominant? countries where Christianity is dominant? countries with populations that look predominantly Caucasian? countries that have a more or less democratic political structure? countries that have a more or less capitalist economic system? all of the above? other?

Just to remind ourselves about why we are having a discussion: a good part of this thread has come about from the assertion that there are two basically different approaches to conflicts - one that is said to be based on weighing the perceived good for a given group against that of an individual in conflict with the group and on favouring solutions that allow people to save face (the “Chinese way”), and one that is said to be based on getting to the bottom of a given problem by pursuing objective “truth”/the “facts” and applying standards of judgment that are objective and independent of culture (the “Western way”) - and that the former approach is inherently inferior to the latter approach. Some of us (strongly) disagree with that valuation, and since we’ve gone through a few rounds with this disagreement, i’ll be happy to leave it at that (never mind that other people argue my points much better than i do).

But let me follow this interesting tangent:

I 'm not sure what anybody’s preferences would prove, but i’ll bite: My first choice by a wide margin would be to stay in my own country (Japan, specifically Okinawa). After that, say, if Japan were to be unsuitable some reason, i could see myself go to Taiwan or a larger city in Canada. Next? Well, rather than thinking about countries i’d more likely think of cities that look like they might be suitable (in terms of my personal lifestyle preferences and, equally importantly, the language i can use) - so maybe Berlin or Munich or Buenos Aires, San Francisco, Auckland, (in a pinch even Stockholm or Rio de Janeiro)…

No, i don’t mind rhetorical questions. :wink: But i have real question (not specifically for GuyinTaiwan,but in general): why do (some) people come to live in Taiwan (Japan/Korea/China) and, then come to the conclusion that the culture of their host country is fundamentally wrong, and then stay even though they feel thoroughly aggravated or even bitter? One answer that has been suggested is that some people have started a family here, so they don’t feel free to move to a different culture. But obviously there are plenty of people who are single, so there must be other explanations. Just wondering…

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