Warning: Jump Start Kindergarten Under Investigation

My one attempt at teaching kindy lasted less than 6 months before I walked. The kids were delightful, but the management were beyond belief. I don’t where they find the people to manage these schools, but I think most of them have some kind of mental health issue.

Yeah, I don’t know about the legal issues. But, when I signed my contract. I made sure to ask them is everything is above board and they said yes! They gave me my one year working ARC, so I guess it is. The other guy said something about management, there is no management. Like I said, all brand new staff and manager. She takes off sick days left right and center. Big thanksgiving event, she’s off for two days. Says she will help and monitor the rehearsal for Christmas show, never. So, yeah I get what that guys saying because how can you hire a person to manage other people who doesn’t herself know what the fucks going on? Also, the headteacher resigned as headteacher because I’m sure she knew she would be doing everything. Even in our first few meetings, the manager was asking the headteacher what should we do??

Sounds like she almost did you a favor by firing you as it sounds like hell. Doesn’t that screw up your ARC/work visa situation though? Have you found a new gig?

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Hello everyone.

Any information on what Jumpstart/Headstart is like now? I’m more so interested in the Headstart (older kids) program. Thanks!

Dog meat tastes like stringy pork, not at all like mutton.

I know these are old posts but I’ve just read this. People are referring to HR as “him.” Was it a foreigner, kind of an over-friendly frat boy type?

I have a grudge against Jump Start for wasting my time for a subbing job 18 years ago. The place seemed well run at that time but they paid way too little.

No, but leopards don’t change their spots.

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