WCIF Caramels (for coating Apples)

I’m in the mood for some caramel candy coated apples. I need some soft caramels to do this. Cannot remember seeing it anyplace. Any suggestions?

um … you’re kidding right? :slight_smile:

Search ‘how to make caramel’ on YouTube. Basically you just heat some sugar + enough water to prevent burning (+ a little bit of acid if you want a more liquid product).

Surely you mean toffee though? Toffee is sugar + butter + heat.

If you really have to, Carrefour have some mixed, flavoured caramels in their Reflets de France range. If you go to the ShiLin store, walk straight ahead from the entrance towards the ‘imports’ aisles, and bear to the right. Caramels on the top shelf of the Reflets de France section.

Thanks I will check it out.

I’ve never been good at making anything that requires heating sugar and water. Rather buy it and melt it.