Well child exam schedule in Taiwan

In the US, there was a schedule for week child exams, something like every month, every three months, half year etc. based on the child’s age. Part of the check was for growth and development.

Does Taiwan have something like this?

Yea, they have that. They have a special clinic to get regular shots and hralth checks for babies and young children called a wei shen cuo. they give you a book to record it in. The book is called an er tong Jian kang shou ce. Apologies for the crappy pinyin

Oh, weird, i live in kaohsiung and asked my husband to ask around. Two moms and my husband said there arent regular checkups, only urgent care clinics. How can i find out more? Is there a website on this in English?
My kids are 2 and 4 and im guessing they are missing lots of vaccinations and health checks

Have you tried the local hospital? Doctors (pediatrics in your case) can usually speak decent English.

Yea, I would advise going to the local hospital. Tell them you want to get a 兒童健康手冊 for your kids. Here is an example of some information on that kind of service in English. http://nite.taipei/ct.asp?xItem=30031733&ctNode=54735&mp=102162


“er tong Jian kang shou ce” is 兒童健康手冊 in Chinese.
Children’s health book in English.

You will find some info in the web site of Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare.

You can download “Baby Care Booklet” at the site, which mentions some on the schedule of the regular shots, health checks etc.

Ministry of Health and Welfare site: https://www.hpa.gov.tw/EngPages/Index.aspx
Application & Information > Maternal and Child Health > Baby Care Booklet > English version download

Go to your nearest services distribution listed at the last of “Baby Care Booklet”, and ask for “Children’s health book” and vaccination record sheet.

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Thanks! Nice to see some English versions.

Fortunately, we’re having another baby and the booklet my wife received shows the checkup schedule.