Wack Things in Taiwan 2017

I was going to ask if they were really EU plates or just those naff frigging frames that everyone here puts on their cars.

I don’t have much money, but I’d bet it all on the driver being a local turd rather than a diplomatic official. I know there are stories about them misbehaving, but they’re pretty isolated. For the most part they’re kept on a a pretty tight leash.

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There are no EU plates, the only thing you have is the fake EU plate with weird countries on it. It’s like a base to put the official plate on top.

Thanks for the clarification! I wondered what the hell these foreign officials were doing. Now I wonder: why the hell is using modified plates permitted in Taiwan?!?

The whack thing has in my mind become even whacker. :stuck_out_tongue:


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It’s the end of the year and people are taking days off to use up their annual leave. Our company doesn’t allow roll over of days off and with the new labor law, we get paid extra for unused annual leave days.

Boss man at the top gets a notification from HR giving him a summary of everyone’s left over leave dates at the beginning of November. Calls a meeting and tells us to start using our days off.

Last two weeks my colleagues and I were taking turns using up our annual leave. There was not one day where all of us were here for an entire day for the last 2 weeks in November. Boss man complains to our direct manager saying, why isn’t your team here and why are they taking so many days off.

TLDR Boss tells us to use up our annual leave dates, but does not like us to take days off.



Here is a good one, ahem … idiot!

uQ368Sw swastika


Why am I not surprised that a Taiwanese Nazi would be driving a Camry? Maybe this plate will inspire a “rear-end a Nazi” craze…

Those Nazi-plate things and stickers and such were in big demand a couple of years ago. You could get them from 台灣黃帽汽車百貨館 (Yellow Hat). I don’t think they were there last time I visited but I took a picture of at least the stickers. This was taken a couple of years ago.


They had the plates too.

That is beyond idiotic. It is downright malice. Someone understood what they were doing and is doing it on purpose. Someone does not, think it is fancy, and does not care making a turd of themselves.

Furthermore, if we complain/try to explai why it is so wrong, they will bounce back with “but foreigners do it too”.


西班牙文 成語
No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver

Oh God, no, just what we need at the animal rescue associations…


Promoting ponys like buying a dress. Not much needed, just a garden…poor things look like they need grooming.

Claims they only need one to two ping space.

Jeez Louise! And I thought dogs in cages was bad…

How many pings do you give your patients, Doc?

No pings necessary. None of my patients have IP addresses.


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You know what I was thinking? What if someone pulls a scam like they did with the mini pigs and sells full size horses instead? It would be hillarious. More work for the animal rights people, but huo gai* and all that jazz. Idjits.

huo gai = 活該 just desserts

I have a friend who bought the largest TV screen possible, incredibly expensive, but only watches pirated content from a Chinese app with expected poor picture quality. It’s so poor you can hardly see the picture, but he wants to save money.


Between my appalling Chinese and Icon’s … idiosyncratic … pinyin and typing, I keep thinking this is supposed to be huoguo / 火鍋, and I’m not sure whether to laugh or feel horrified.


Many people don’t get the concept of HD input to a HD tv. Fancy TVs sparkle with fancy content. Crap input and crap output on a large screen. haha. I’m an oddball who spent an inordinate amount of time testing projectors for work and I really didn’t understand it at the beginning of this work. Gotta see the side-by-side demo and your large screen friend will be converted over to the dark side.

Pretty much just your appalling Chinese, it’s huo gai, as in “you got what you deserve”

活該? Thanks. Huh - that’s not even in my vocabulary list from the last time I tried to study Chinese, so maybe I hadn’t learned it before, unlike most of the other terms that I’ve forgotten. Weird what sticks - I was stuck on “fire lid”, which made no sense. (In my defense, it’s not unheard of for Icon’s pinyin to be a little unusual.)

It’s a critical learn for parenting, only reason I know it…