Where to take a shower around Taiwan?

Wow I’ve been to HK lots of times and never knew there was a free shower service!

I live in Taipei and my local swimming pool is NTD100 and has hot showers. I have also camped at police stations along the East Coast for free and they also have hot showers.

I would suggest finding a cheap motel and checking in for a couple hours!

You’re very intelligent and because of your skill in the language, you can find more than I ever could.
I doubt they offer a shower service, and just going there and asking ‘’ ni you linyu(u) ma’’ is a bit difficult for me, too shy to do that! :persevere:

Taipei has several government sponsored gyms offering one hour entry for 50 NTD, I read somewhere… I found one swimming pool in Sanminqu for 52 NTD and going there tomorrow, hoping that they offer a shower service… I have a very strong smell around me, the days I shower people greet and talk to me, the other days people ignore me or stare at me (they stare longer). :joy:
The east coast is great, but from Google maps I can see that supermarkets are hours away, and there are no internet cafe’s nearby either, and it’s cold at night compared to the sunny Kaohsiung, I’ve been here for longer than a week, and slept very well so far, wearing only a shirt!

Only one swimming pool so far, but it was closed for holidays.
One Taiwanese woman invited me to Nanhe swimming pool a few days ago, been very lucky.
I think that with the information provided in this thread, I might find a place to shower here.
If not, then Kenting (20NTD for a shower at little bay) or Hengchun (public hot springs)
I’m glad that at least there is a coin laundry in Kaohsiung!

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[quote=“sweet.potato, post:22, topic:157952”]
. . . because of your skill in the language, you can find more than I ever could.[/quote]

I have virtually no skill in any language except English, but I’ve been goofing around doing word searches for a pretty long time.

Hang in there! I hope you find something soon! :slight_smile:

Sanmin public swimming pool, 52NTD, includes places to charge devices :slight_smile:
Thank you everyone

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I wonder if there is unofficial or official source of information about shower spots around Taiwan.

Just some spot to rinse or wash off after bike ride, hike, walk, etc.

I could use a rinse sometimes after a hot bike ride over on east coast.

This is in Chinese, well, English not available at this point.

Bike Supply Stations (補給站服務) along Round-the-Island Bike Route No. 1

Maybe @ranlee knows more?

I like to use Body Wipes from GATSBY 爆水擦澡濕巾 , you can find them at convenience stores

Also there are Face wipes 潔面濕紙巾 , but I feel the material is not strong enough


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Just find a swimming pool, they often have showers, it was very easy. Before swimming people often shower, I don’t swim, I only used the shower. At this point in my life I wanted to live rent free outside while spending minimum so I could stay forever. Needless to say, no person will spend time together with a homeless person, so I gave up.

Public beaches often have shower facilities there or nearby. Some are free; others you pay a small fee.

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