10 years in prison for oral sex

Yet further evidence of the increasing insanity in America. I’m glad I was never a teenager in Georgia. Poor kid. 10 years for a blowjob?!

time.blogs.com/daily_dish/2006/1 … ustic.html

[quote]In Georgia, a seventeen year old boy has been sentenced to ten years imprisonment for the heinous crime of a spot of consensual oral sex with a 15 year old girl.

Eugene Volokh notes that the Georgia Supreme Court may have had no choice but to uphold this appalling sentence since:

The age of consent in Georgia is 16.

In 2006, the Georgia Legislature amended the statute to provide that oral sex between an under-18-year-old and a 13-to-15-year-old is only a misdemeanor, with a maximum penalty of a year in jail. This revised statute would have thus made the defendant’s conduct a misdemeanor had he committed his crime after the statute’s enactment, but the statute expressly provided that it wasn’t retroactive.

Even at the time the act occurred, genital sex between an under-18-year-old and a 14-or-15-year-old was also a misdemeanor.

 4. This defendant had no criminal record that would justify an especially long sentence.

The presiding judge argued he had to lock the boy up for a decade without the prospect of parole:

“…while I am very sympathetic to Wilson’s argument regarding the injustice of sentencing this promising young man with good grades and no criminal history to ten years in prison without parole and a lifetime registration as a sexual offender because he engaged in consensual oral sex with a 15-year-old victim only two years his junior, this Court is bound by the Legislature’s determination that young persons in Wilson’s situation are not entitled to the misdemeanor treatment now accorded to identical behavior…”

A decade for a consensual “act of oral sodomy”? I suppose the lad’s lucky he isn’t being castrated. [/quote]

wow, that sucks

Yeah, it really blows.

Who was going down?

American justice on its knees.

Land of the ‘free’ … the ‘American’ dream …

Shame. Can he sue the state for the blow jobs he’ll have to give inside the penile system?

21st century America. Woohoo! :America:

I once knew a 16 year old boy sent before a judge because he’d been caught masterbating in the shower. No matter that the idiot who caught him didn’t even knock before entering and pulling back the shower curtain. He was brough up on charges of “self mutalation.” He DID have a record of petty crimes, and was living in a kind of half way house, but I still am amazed at what they put that poor kid through.

[quote=“Quentin”]Yet further evidence of the increasing insanity in America. I’m glad I was never a teenager in Georgia. Poor kid. 10 years for a blowjob?!

time.blogs.com/daily_dish/2006/1 … ustic.html

[quote]In Georgia, a seventeen year old boy has been sentenced to ten years imprisonment for the heinous crime of a spot of consensual oral sex with a 15 year old girl.

Eugene Volokh notes that the Georgia Supreme Court may have had no choice but to uphold this appalling sentence since:

The age of consent in Georgia is 16.

In 2006, the Georgia Legislature amended the statute to provide that oral sex between an under-18-year-old and a 13-to-15-year-old is only a misdemeanor, with a maximum penalty of a year in jail. This revised statute would have thus made the defendant’s conduct a misdemeanor had he committed his crime after the statute’s enactment, but the statute expressly provided that it wasn’t retroactive.

Even at the time the act occurred, genital sex between an under-18-year-old and a 14-or-15-year-old was also a misdemeanor.

 4. This defendant had no criminal record that would justify an especially long sentence.

The presiding judge argued he had to lock the boy up for a decade without the prospect of parole:

“…while I am very sympathetic to Wilson’s argument regarding the injustice of sentencing this promising young man with good grades and no criminal history to ten years in prison without parole and a lifetime registration as a sexual offender because he engaged in consensual oral sex with a 15-year-old victim only two years his junior, this Court is bound by the Legislature’s determination that young persons in Wilson’s situation are not entitled to the misdemeanor treatment now accorded to identical behavior…”

A decade for a consensual “act of oral sodomy”? I suppose the lad’s lucky he isn’t being castrated. [/quote][/quote]

ridiculous sentence !!

another sign of the stupid puritanical mores that america is still under. America is the only country in the world still using the imperial system of measure, something even the Brits gave up to go metric. And its laws regarding sex are verrrrrrrrrry 15th century.

The germans have saunas where young and old of both sexes can share, in the nude. IN the USA, all the adults would be arrested for indecency in the presence of minors !!!

Shocking news.
Definitely hard to swallow.

Don’t state governors have the right to issue pardons?

[quote=“Quentin”]Yet further evidence of the increasing insanity in America. I’m glad I was never a teenager in Georgia. Poor kid. 10 years for a blowjob?!

time.blogs.com/daily_dish/2006/1 … ustic.html

[quote]In Georgia, a seventeen year old boy has been sentenced to ten years imprisonment for the heinous crime of a spot of consensual oral sex with a 15 year old girl.

Eugene Volokh notes that the Georgia Supreme Court may have had no choice but to uphold this appalling sentence since:

The age of consent in Georgia is 16.

In 2006, the Georgia Legislature amended the statute to provide that oral sex between an under-18-year-old and a 13-to-15-year-old is only a misdemeanor, with a maximum penalty of a year in jail. This revised statute would have thus made the defendant’s conduct a misdemeanor had he committed his crime after the statute’s enactment, but the statute expressly provided that it wasn’t retroactive.

Even at the time the act occurred, genital sex between an under-18-year-old and a 14-or-15-year-old was also a misdemeanor.

 4. This defendant had no criminal record that would justify an especially long sentence.

The presiding judge argued he had to lock the boy up for a decade without the prospect of parole:

“…while I am very sympathetic to Wilson’s argument regarding the injustice of sentencing this promising young man with good grades and no criminal history to ten years in prison without parole and a lifetime registration as a sexual offender because he engaged in consensual oral sex with a 15-year-old victim only two years his junior, this Court is bound by the Legislature’s determination that young persons in Wilson’s situation are not entitled to the misdemeanor treatment now accorded to identical behavior…”

A decade for a consensual “act of oral sodomy”? I suppose the lad’s lucky he isn’t being castrated. [/quote][/quote]
The worst part in this, is when this kid will come out of his 10 years in jail, he’ll be a real criminal by then.
Thanks to the American Justice system.

Ten years for muff-diving is definitely sending all the wrong signals to America’s yoof!


[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]Ten years for muff-diving is definitely sending all the wrong signals to America’s yoof!


It was for rug munching? :noway: I thought the girl was sucking the sausage!

Definitely! Call Amnesty International!

I somehow thought that might ellicit a more outraged response! :laughing:


A 17 year old boy should receive some kind of award.

I believe buttercup was right. It was for sausage sucking, not carpet munching.

I clicked on the link, and sublink, this morning and don’t recall all the details, but I believe both parties were black for what that’s worth (the author thought some might criticize the punishment as racist, but the author claimed that argument didn’t fly and it was more a matter of the great Southern State of Georgia being terribly old-fashioned and prudish and discriminating against non-genital sex, rather than based on race.) I believe that point is correct and there are various laws prohibiting anal sex, even between married people, oral sex and other “deviant practices” in the US, particularly in Georgia, Alabama, and other Southern states.

As for whether he’ll have to actually serve that outrageous sentence, I believe one of the sublinks contains a portion of the court’s judgment, in which the judge states his dismay that he has no choice but to issue that 10 year sentence (which even he admits is unjust), based on mandatory sentencing guidelines, but he hopes that some other entity, that apparently has some power in the matter, will reduce it.

Here are some more wacky US sex laws, for your titillation.

[quote]. . . States also have a wide variety of definitions for such things as public indecency. In Indiana, for example, you might be indecent if your male genitals are completely covered but “in a discernibly turgid state.”

As a former adolescent male, this worries me.

If you’re traveling with a lover, and you are not married to each other, but feeling in the mood, you’d better not rent a hotel room in North Carolina because "any man and woman found occupying the same bedroom in any hotel, public inn, or boardinghouse for any immoral purpose…shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.”

. . . like many other states, North Carolina has laws against fornication whether you are in a hotel or just at home: “If any man and woman not being married to each other, shall lewdly and lasciviously associate, bed, and cohabit together, they shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.”

In Idaho, fornication can get you a $300 fine and six months in jail. But that’s a piece of cake compared to the penalty for adultery – up to a $1,000 fine and three years in the state pen.

If you’re a man in Oklahoma, and you tell a virgin female you want to marry her, then you two commit fornication, you had better not change your mind about the marriage, Bub, or else you’ve committed a felony. . .

Massachusetts . . . [has] some doozy sex laws. Adultery could get you three years in state prison. Sell a dildo, do five years. (I’ve previously mentioned anti-vibrator laws in Texas.) The state even has a catch-all statute for any “unnatural and lascivious act with another person.” The law doesn’t say just what is unnatural or lascivious.

Maryland appears to outlaw just about everything except the missionary position between married men and women. The law prescribes 10 years for “any unnatural or perverted sexual practice” like, say, oral sex. . .

Lucky for me, most of these laws are rarely, if ever, enforced. For one thing enforcement just isn’t practical. Not only do the acts usually happen in private, but enforcing the laws would make the United States one vast prison.[/quote]

As for anti-sodomy laws, you can see here that they were overwhelmingly located in the South, though apparently they’ve all been struck down by the US Sup Ct in 2003, as unconstitutional.


Hoora Europe!! At least the North-west mainland Europe that I know off …