. . . with Special Guest FONTENEAU . . .
. . . . . . 18 Nov. 2006, 8:00-9:30 . . . BE MESMERIZED!
We did it! The HYPNOTIC FACEOFF is performing in Taipei!
Get ready for the a wonderful entertaining evening of not one but two master hypnotists on stage together in Taiwan’s first ever hypnotic faceoff . . . the HYPNOTIC FACEOFF . . . two master hypnotists, one stage, an evening of hypnotic hilarity . . . America’s mesmerizing master, Fonteneau, and Taiwan’s resident performing hypnotist, Brian David Phillips, together to perform an evening of comedy hypnosis with audience participation . . . the show wil be held at The Living Room in Taipei on Saturday, 18 Nov. 2006, 8:00-9:30pm. The show is in English with Chinese interpretation.
Tell ALL your friends, family, and people you don’t even know! Don’t miss out on your chance to see the ONLY live genuine hypnotic comedy on stage in Taipei! Fonteneau will be flying in directly from the United States to Taipei and this is his only performance in Asia so make certain you don’t miss your chance to see him in action!
See full-sized flyer at http://public.fotki.com/briandavidphillips/hypnosis/posters/20061018livingrooms.html.
The Living Room (http://www.livingroomtaipei.com) is located at 3F, #8, Nanjing E. Rd, Sec. 5, Taipei. . . you can call 02-8787-4154 for more information about the show, to make reservations, or to ask for directions on how to get there. There are two packages to choose from . . . NT$400 for the evening . . . come early for dinner and the show (restrictions do apply so make certain you arrive early) or opt for the show and two drinks.
This is the only performance of the Hypnotic Faceoff in Taiwan, a full-featured entertainment comedy hypnosis show so get there early and be sure to tell your friends. This special performance program is appropriate for ages twelve and above.
For this bilingual performance (English with Chinese interpretation) of the Hypnotic Faceoff Comedy Hypnosis Show, interpretation and stage management is being provided by Lorraine Phillips (http://city.udn.com/v1/blog/index.jsp?uid=lorrainelaw). There will also be audience participation and a special section of open challenges for volunteer members of my Speed Hypnosis class to come up and participate (the seminar is Nov. 18-19, see my webpages at http://www.BrianDavidPhillips.com for more information). Alumni of my Stage Hypnosis course (for which Fonteneau was a special guest lecturer last Spring) will also have an open invite. Other hypnotists from the community may also participate, time willing. The bulk of the performance will be the actual comedy hypnosis Hypnotic Faceoff of Fonteneau and Brian David Phillips, a fast-paced, energetic, full-on laugh riot comedy hypnosis performance.
We’re looking forward to having a whole lot of hypnotic fun so come to The Living Room on Saturday, November 18, 8-9:30, for the Hypnotic Faceoff Comedy Hypnosis Show of Fonteneau and Brian David Phillips . . . genuine comedy hypnosis in Taipei . . . see “Hypnosis Show” on the webpages at http://www.BrianDavidPhillips.com for details and more information on this and other show performances (English and Chinese information available).
Tell your friends and pass this message on to anyone and everyone interested in quality comedy hypnosis entertainment. I appreciate your support.
We will see you then!
All the best,