14 hr min. for work permit. Really?

I have read over and over on this forum that to be eligible for a work permit you must work at minimum of 14 hours/week.

Am I blind? I can’t seem to find this information on any official website out there.
iff.immigration.gov.tw/enfront/l … d=4&id=264

Can someone show me some legit info?

I think it’s more to do with meeting the average wage of an equivalent Taiwanese employee. They don’t want any spongers!

I don’t know where you could find it in writing, but my understanding is that you need at least 14 (or was it 15) hours for a full-time work permit on which an ARC would be based. If you already have an ARC based on another full-time job or whatever, you can get part-time work permits with fewer hours, but wouldn’t be able to base an ARC on that permit.

That would depend on the job – an associate professor at a university would have a 12 hour per week teaching load, if I recall, and a full professor would be 9 or 10 hours. Both would be eligible for an ARC based on that, so it can’t be the number of hours alone. I suspect it is more a wage question, as there is a minimum salary requirement.

I’m also struggling to find this kind of information. The official websites could do a lot better.