1st Anniversary Present

Hi All,

Believe it or not we have been married nearly a year. I thought this would be a nice idea.

Of course it would be a picture of us, but do you think it is too sappy or cheap for an anniversary gift? My wife loves jigsaws and has mentioned in the past that it might be a ‘nice present’.

What do you think? I’d go for the 550 piece.



[quote=“Limey”] My wife loves jigsaws and has mentioned in the past that it might be a ‘nice present’.

When she ‘mentioned’ it she was telling you BUY IT FOR ME :laughing:

go for it, I think it will make her happy. Plus it’ll be something good to do during rainy season.

I forget…for the 1st anniversary is it the brown bottle Taiwan pijo or the green bottle Taiwan pijo?

Sappy? Women love romantic stuff like love poems and all that. Sounds good. If you think it’s too inexpensive, just don’t make it the only gift. Add some other nice things to the basket. Write a love poem, in nice handwriting if you can. Add some truffles and some massage oil, a gold heart on a chain, or whatever you think of.

Thanks for the replies,

Will do, sounds like a good present coming together. Maybe I’ll get her some Taiwan pijiou earings, I’d be on a promise then :smiley:



Ahhh…Limey…I forgot you’re in Oz now.

Good Luck and congrats to you both!

It’s okay, I’ll get her wasted on VB instead, cobber. :no-no: