I get to live in a country that has wonderful natuaral beauty.
The mist covered mountains around my home.
The convenience of shopping and having things delivered by 7/11.
The ease of getting employment should I not have a job.
The summer time girls riding their scooters in the breeze.
Having a good family here.
Having good friends here.
The wonderful local food.
The wonderful foreign food.
The fun you can have learning yIour hosts country’s languages.
Becoming a local citizen.
That fact then when in Taipei and people ask how long it takes me to get home it’s only 5 hours.
The convenience of public transportation.
Typhoons… I love the wind and the rain.
Being surprised by how many people I meet that have been here 30 years or more.
Access to vey cheap medical services compared to other countries. ( Too bad I never use them )
Knowing that this country is my home.
The ease of getting to the rest of Asia for vacations.
Being far away from the USA… Sooner or later a terrorist is gonna nuke that place…
But mainly cause life here is pretty good and safe.
And the Number 1 reason I’m never leaving Taiwan . . . . (drum roll) . . . .
[quote=“Gavin Januarus, on 27 September 2002,”][url=http://tw.forumosa.com/t/whats-the-thing-you-like-the-most-about-taiwan/268/74 Sometimes I just walk out on the sidewalk in front of my house in my underwear and belch because I know I can do it here and no one will care. I know it’s gross and crude but I’ve always just wanted to try it to see how it feels.
It feels pretty good – really liberating.
I’m always pushing the envelope like that here and, so far, other than sticking my chopsticks upright in my ricebowl, I haven’t found anything here which really grosses people out.
To me, it’s like living in a place where dad is in charge rather than mom. It’s a lot more fun and you can pretty do much anything you want just so long as you don’t poke an eye out or start the house on fire. [/url][/quote]
[quote=“Mother Theresa”]And the Number 1 reason I’m never leaving Taiwan . . . . (drum roll) . . . .
[quote=“Gavin Januarus, on 27 September 2002,”][url=http://tw.forumosa.com/t/whats-the-thing-you-like-the-most-about-taiwan/268/74 Sometimes I just walk out on the sidewalk in front of my house in my underwear and belch because I know I can do it here and no one will care. I know it’s gross and crude but I’ve always just wanted to try it to see how it feels.
It feels pretty good – really liberating.
I’m always pushing the envelope like that here and, so far, other than sticking my chopsticks upright in my ricebowl, I haven’t found anything here which really grosses people out.
To me, it’s like living in a place where dad is in charge rather than mom. It’s a lot more fun and you can pretty do much anything you want just so long as you don’t poke an eye out or start the house on fire. [/url][/quote][/quote]
:roflmao: Too true…Now I have to live in HKG which is like a place run by your step-mom.