I’m new to this forum, however I’ve been reading Taipei Times and other sources for a while, that and my wife is Taiwanese. Anyway I thought it would be interesting to discuss what policies will be spoken of in the campaigning for President in 2008.
Here are some of my thoughts…
Vote for Ma and Ma will ensure all Government funding is slashed by 50%!
(Ma will implement a new national budget where 50% of all funds will be deposited directly into his own account, thereby leaving only 50% remaining to spend on the rest of the country)
Vote for Ma and Ma will ensure Government revenue is increased!
(Ma will implement a new system where all income is diverted into his own account, and will then pay the top tax rate. By paying the top tax rate on all income earned in Taiwan, Ma will singlehandedly increase taxation revenue)
Vote for Ma and Ma will create a competitive Taiwanese economy!
(Ma has studied the Australian economy and saw the benefits that occured when the Government floated the Australian dollar. Ma has concluded that if just floating the currency gained so much benefit, then surely floating the whole country will produce more benefits. At the time of this article, it has been revealed that at least one asian Government has stepped forward with a tender offer for the proposed floating of the country).
Vote for Ma and Ma will reduce the number of corruption convictions to zero!
(It is well known that when the KMT were in power, no one was convicted of corruption unlike today where anyone, even the President can be indicted. Ma proposes that in order to eliminate the number of convictions involving corruption, it will be necessary to legalise it, thereby removing the temptation of indicting anyone)