2008 Presidential Elections

It appears we don’t have a general thread for the presidential elections (at least on the first page of TP, the 2nd won’t load for me), so I thought I’d start one.

And it’s an excuse to post a few photos from the DPP’s 228 event.

Oh…you mean the Taiwan elections…I get all I need of that crap on the TV.

Good pics though CFI. Get cash up front on political pics. Pols always liked to buy shots of themselves on 'the steps of the official looking building" and ‘with their sleeves rolled up’ like they are actually going to work ‘for the people’…get the cash first.

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]Oh…you mean the Taiwan elections…I get all I need of that crap on the TV.

Good pics though CFI. Get cash up front on political pics. Pols always liked to buy shots of themselves on 'the steps of the official looking building" and ‘with their sleeves rolled up’ like they are actually going to work ‘for the people’…get the cash first.[/quote]

But it wouldn’t be legal for me to sell pics in Taiwan and I’d never do anything illegal. :smiley: