2020 USA Presidential Elections Latest II

Really want to see how real the Texas flip is. I honestly won’t be shocked by anything outside of NY or Cali flipping.

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CNN got Trump at 50.2% now over whole state of FL. Looks in the bag.

Trump is a jackass. He’s been a disaster for the country.

Trump is sliding now in FL. Don’t know if that will hold.

coal miners (WV) called by networks for Trump

Reversed. Biden 50.2

Yep. Clinton was up by 6% in early #s, and then the panhandle (still voting) came in big for DT, giving him 1% win.

Biden wins Virginia while Trump wins WV.

CNN even saying DT outperforming his Miami/Dade #s now (vs. 2016) by 5%

Cubans remember socialism.

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CNN has DT at 50.1% in VA currently.

Really? AP called it for Biden

I dunno. Biden is currently winning FL. If you’re Blue this is reason to hope.

The story of this election is going to be that they lost the last one because they were lazy and overconfident but after spending the last four years stewing about it they came out in droves this time.

Dammit CNN just crashed. Any other live feed?

So did Biden with VA or not? I’m still not clear.

Big blue swing in Ohio, looks good.

You know we don’t have time to read links right now? :upside_down_face: