2020 USA Presidential Elections Latest II

so it’s your contention that the claim

Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia

Is false? This should be fairly easy to check, I looked up New York 2016 and 2020, (first city listed when you look up US 50 biggest states). Which had Hillary Clinton 59% and Donald Trump 36.5%, then looked at 2020 which had Biden 56% and Trump at 42%.

Meets the claim, Trump did well actually and if that was a trend and why not, Trump increased support with blacks and Latinos which makes sense he would increase support in cities, why are these 4 cities which also happen to be in the contested handful of States an exception.

If you can agree that the claim if true, would make you suspicious, I’ll do the same for the biggest city in every State. Of course if you will brush it off even it’s true, you can save me the time also.

Which source are you using?

For New York. Just type in Google “new york 2020 election results” for 2016 do the same just change 2020 to 2016.

For the general claim, it’s widespread, for example,

You may not like the source, but as I said it’s one of these easily verifiable claims, if the claim was true, would it make you wonder why these 4 cities bucked the trend?

edit/ For example, Los Angles 71.8 to Hillary and 22.4 to Trump, in 2020 it’s 71% to Biden and 26% to Trump. here and here

Like I said earlier, I will wait for Trump and co to prove that there are election irregularities. Do the recounts, challenge vote counting, go to court. It will not change the results. It is quite clear that the election was properly conducted and the winner both of the popular vote and the electoral college is Biden.

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Maybe these posters here are weaponized by foreign powers?


Aside from the Trump bashing, Bill makes a few good points here about Biden/Democrat party, which I think goes back to what we discussed before about how people are commenting that “they are shocked 73M voted for Trump”.

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The Republican Party has gone so far into the land of total mental derangement that even Fox News, long their faithful servant, is telling them to pull back the reins and face reality:

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For those of you still interested in the minutiae of the election results, here’s a look at some local media reporting. They know the ground and have to answer to the local market.

TYT - nice name. Look up what they got up to in Armenia.
You should post some Infowars links to counter those grifters.
Fox news are run by the swamp creature Murdoch family.

People are waking up to the propaganda machine’s tactics.

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Those are the results for NYC? The state results are similar. So, Trump actually did better in NYS than in 2016. But Biden still easily had enough to win the state. It makes sense that the ratios for NYC would also be better for Trump this year in this case. I’m sorry, but why do you think the city results are especially pertinent?

Bad news for war maniacs.
More troops coming home.
Those that are left will protect the embassies.

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Oh, we’re going to get wars in the next few years.

Over/under would be 3 new countries invaded by 2024 if Biden is confirmed and stays in office the entire duration.

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Same with Hainan Harris who last week said they plan to arm the Jihadists. Which will along with death and destruction cause another migrant crisis in the EU which will also result in terror attacks…

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You forgot Communism by 2022 and Obama was supposed to take all our guns too. Still waiting on that one.

Thankfully it was too difficult for him.

Back on topic

Not towing the party line

Keep telling yourself that. :joy:. I guess putting Hillary in jail was too difficult too. Quite the track record on all these predictions.

What are you going on about? Where did I say either?

There are 2 main potential scams that are being looked at, First being weighted count machines. The second is when the weighted count machines didn’t weigh things enough and they looked like they were going to lose (Trump 80% chance of winning) which is when they shut things down.

The claim is they then went to a backup stash of votes housed lets say in a Democrat front business, lets call it the four seasons landscaping company and run those over to the counting center at 4am and by the time people have woken up the odds are now 75% in Bidens favor.

However scam 2 if the numbers needed are high enough, you will see statistical anomalies for the States in question, in particular the cities the scam is run out of when compared to cities that didn’t need the extreme form of rectification to secure a win.

Thats what people are looking at when they make the claim.

Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.”