2024 August Dual Nationality Petition Open Discussion

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That’s it? Really does not address so many important points for allowing dual nationality expecially when mosts foreigners are not immigrant entrepeneurs.

Seems to be a promo about his business.

Show a picture of how succesful your business is doesn’t address the issue of citizenship.

Also foreigners cannot invest in all industries in the USA either. There are restrictions to what non citizens can do.

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Their YouTube channel only has 142 subscribers. :sob:

His actual talk was longer. I think this enough. Your criticisms are fair. It’s not like Crossroads is some giant policy NGO with a huge budget that can find articulate experts to promote the cause in perfect Mandarin. This is the best they can do. This is Taiwan.

I’m sure Crossroads would welcome a video from you that addresses the economic dimensions better. Or any other support you would like to give.

Nobody asked me to tell you in Chinese of the angst of renouncing a citizenship you can not resume or get PR in to become a citizen of a country not even represent in the United Nations. Or how I had to renounce for I could naturalize and had NO CITIZENSHIP for around 9 months, TC Lin was also 6 months or more of being stateless.

I was at least not as burdened as he was living in abject poverty. Nobody asked him what it was like to go through that process.

Yeah just task really succesful immigrants to ROC government officials who will just shrug their shoulders and say forget about it.

I actually turned down Discovery Taiwan who wanted to come do a 1 hour program on my life in Taiwan, naturalization and then living in the wilderness so to speak.

Good call. Based on the programs I’ve seen, those guys suck donkey balls.


You should do what our Taiwanese/kiwi friend John did on Youtube.

Say “you can’t have your cake and eat it too.” Then go on to list all your foreign passports lol.

Never heard of him.

He could’ve always applied. He chose not to because he wants to keep his original citizenship. But he has been eligible since 15 years ago.

He tried and failed for an exemption. But he could still get it the normal route.

Many countries have the same/similar laws, even Germany up until recently… I wouldn’t call it “ludicrous” unless it were impossible like the UAE where you would need to reside for 30 years!

This is literally the Dual Nationality Petition thread. Why keep harping on this?


So it seems like a response will be on 2 December. We have more time to keep people signing.


The petition will be open for signing until October 19. Please keep spreading the word as you go through your daily life. Personal requests + follow up a few days later are highly effective.

More signatures means more credibility with the legislators who must enact the enabling legislation.


Ah it still closes at the same time?

My bad, thanks for correcting.

Yesterday at the airport I ran into a few naturalized people from Vietnam and gave them the link and asked them to sign. They seemed pretty supportive.

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It’s just a point. Of course we want them to allow dual nationality. But to say it is impossible to get Taiwan citizenship is a falsehood. It is very much possible. Just that some people don’t want to renounce.

You are however, free to get a visa to go back to your original country, free to apply for citizenship again etc… The thing is the people who are making up lies just don’t want to go through the process and that is their choice. But to live 20 years in a country and never look at solutions? That’s perhaps where I would draw the line as far as sympathy goes.

Many of the complaints of “I want to take care of parents” are not actually entirely valid. Many countries allow visas for you to return home and few countries allow you to resume.

We need to keep things factual and not build this campaign on the lies and misinformation that many are posting.

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But nobody was saying that. We all know this. This point has already been repeated ad nauseum.


Taiwanese teachers in government schools get 50,000ntd monthly pension when they retire. Far more than the standard pension.

Not a bad amount considering they already will have been earning well over double the typical taiwanese salary.

Would dual nationality foreigner teachers in govt schools be able to hook into this gravy train somehow?

That’s literally what most are saying. Most are saying they “can’t apply.”

Others claim they can never return home which is also false.

Actually as of this year the rules have changed. Now all new permanent full time teachers will only get the 6% like the rest of us everyday plebs.

Yes and no. It depends on what your contract was. If you were hired as a local full time permanent teacher (before this year)… Then yes. However, foreigner teachers are hired as temporary 1 year contract so only 6%

However, you will find that many new local teachers are being hired on temporary 1 year contracts and the permanent positions are very far and in-between these days due to declining population of students.

But to answer your question there are lots of local teachers on the so called gravy train salary that have dual nationality. But it no longer matters as that awesome pension is a thing of the past for new teachers…


Nobody here is saying that.

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But at the same time, you’re not understanding. There is a level of reading between the lines. There is also an unspoken subscript. Sometimes when some people say they can’t apply, there might be an unspoken extra meaning like, it’s impractical and don’t want to employ a level of pedantry that would give an autistic person joy. Most people are aware they can apply if they give up.

But one might be saying, I can’t apply (without giving up)

I’m autistic, I get it. But I know when I’m annoying people with my own pedantry. So I only employ it when I am being intentional about it and trying to piss someone off usually because they pissed me off.


There is no reading between the lines. You are telling people something that they have never heard of or bothered to understand because they never need to go through the process.

It’s not about being pedantic. But when you have a lawyer for example making claims that are false. Or someone doing a podcast giving people outdated information… it is a problem.

Some people may think that by making it sound worse will help. However, end of the day the MOI will find it easy to rebut many of those things.

We need to build a solid foundation and not one made of quicksand with sinkholes scattered all around the place.

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