Not a sin, at least not by itself.
Also not necessarily a sin. In retrospect, do you consider that your anger was appropriate? Sometimes the answer is yes.
Officially? Six counts of venial sin, which translates into ONLY a zillion or so years in purgatory.
Unofficially? Six actually isn’t very many. You’re a saint!
EDIT: Wait a minute, this was within a span of 21 days? One day at a time, you lush!
A sin has to be something you do or choose. A feeling that sweeps over you doesn’t count, unless you act on it. The devil probably sent her to tempt you.
[quote]I had 1 argument with MrsHill.
I had 1 argument with my sister. [/quote]
Not necessarily sins–that would depend on the nature of the arguments–but let’s say you lost your temper. Venial sins.
[quote]I took an illegal drug with a friend.
I took some of my friends share of the illegal drug when he was in the toilet. [/quote]
Officially? Drugs aren’t mentioned in the Bible or (I think) canon law.
Unofficially? One occasion is not such a big deal. Repent and move on.
WHOA THERE! Two commandments broken at once! You’ll be damned for sure! Sorry–I guess there’s no point in continuing this…
(Sigh.) You and everybody else who ever existed (and had parents).
Strictly speaking, you have to intend to make restitution (if possible) in order to receive absolution, but what the hell.
Fifteen Our Fathers, ten Hail Mary’s, five Glory Be’s, and fifty push-ups. MOVE IT MOVE IT MOVE IT and sin no more.